Year 5 visit to Liverpool Synagogue and Anglican Cathedral
Today saw Year 5 board the train to visit the Liverpool Old Hebrew Synagogue and the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral.
As part of their R.E the children were given the opportunity to compare two different places of worship during their trip. We were very pleased that Rev'd Sarah O'Donoghue was able to join us on the trip.
The morning saw the children visit the Synagogue in Princes Road. The Liverpool Old Hebrew Congregation was established in 1750 and finally moved to Princes Road in 1874. The synagogue was designed by brothers W & G Audsley and is the oldest in Liverpool. Thank you to Eric for his very interesting talk.
Having had their lunch at the Cathedral, we had a very informative guided tour around the cathedral. Did you know that the cathedral was based on a design by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott and was constructed between 1904 and 1978 and in terms of overall volume is the 5th largest in the world?
Throughout the day the children certainly had a sense of awe and wonder based on their reactions and feedback when we returned to school.
We would like to thank Sarah for accompanying us on our visit.