Headteacher Blog

Posted 21/03/25

Good afternoon,

It has been another great week in school. Year 2 have had an especially exciting week as they visited Knowlsey Safari Park and led our worship this morning. They explained the value of forgiveness through the parable of the Prodigal Son. It is always brilliant to see the children lead our worship and Year 2 did a wonderful job! They are now preparing for their adventure Day to the Lake District on Monday which will be a well-deserved experience for them, Year 5 have also shone this week as they have created an incredible magazine to support oragatans. I feel very proud of the children for being advocates for others who cannot always stand up for themselves and the natural world around us.

There are lots of exciting events waiting for the week ahead, especially with our Thursday night ‘Easter Bingo’ and our ‘Careers Fair’ on Friday. I encourage as many families to visit our ‘Careers Fair’ as possible which we hope will promote conversation amongst the children and families alike.

As a school, we are excited to talk to children about how education links to jobs and professions as they get older. Instilling this idea early is something which we believe will help all of our children choose career paths and see the link between what they learning in school and future jobs. It is a really exciting venture and one we hope to build one over the coming years.

Everything we do in school is about preparing children for their later lives and this event will be a big part of supporting them to reach their potential in the future.

Please click on the link to see our newsletter:

Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 14/03/25

Good afternoon,

It was lovely to welcome parents into school this week to celebrate the children's achievements and progress. I have the privilege of walking through the classrooms every day and seeing all the amazing learning that all the children do with such fantastic attitudes. The vibrant classrooms really celebrate and reflect the children's accomplishments, and I really hope that you enjoyed the opportunity to come into school to see this. I certainly enjoyed the chance to speak with lots of parents on the evening and see the children's work around school. I'd like to thank our wonderful children and staff for the incredible work they do every day to make our school such a special place to be and ensure these events are so lovely to attend.

On Thursday, I was so proud of some of our Year 4 children who represented our school so well at a Tag Rugby tournament which was held at Ormskirk High School. They showed fantastic attitudes and teamwork and came away with gold medals!

Please click on the link below to see this week's newsletter which will inform you of all the events taking place around school over the coming week. We are very excited to be holding our annual Easter Bingo event on Thursday 27th March. Doors are opening at 5.30pm and eyes down at 6.00pm. On sale on the night will be refreshments, Irish Lottery tickets and raffle tickets. We would really appreciate donations of Easter eggs to be used as prizes in the evening, to be donated to school from now on. We would welcome any donations of cakes on the day of the event. We hope you can make it!


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 07/03/25

Good afternoon,

It has been another busy but fantastic week in school. We all thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day on Thursday. Reading is a crucial part of education and a gateway to the World and our imagination. A huge thank you to all of our families for supporting the children in dressing up as their favourite book characters, visiting our book fair and creating fabulous book character sock puppets. A big well done to the finalists and winners of the competition.

I’ve also been delighted to see children doing so well in sport this week and our swimming team and girl’s football team have both represented school superbly again this week. We are all really proud of them.

This morning, Year 5 led us in a wonderful worship all about caring and respecting our World. It was wonderful to see the children leading on such a message and showed how our children respect the world around them.

This was also clearly evident on Tuesday as our school council had the privilege of meeting with our sponsor children in Koch Goma School Uganda on a zoom call. I was delighted and felt so proud to see the wonderful conversations between the children which showed the many exciting similarities and difference between living in different countries. The children in Uganda led a great lesson teaching us to count from one to ten in Acholi, the local language spoken in northern Uganda.

I am looking forward to welcoming you into school on our Parents' Evening which is next Wednesday (12th March). Appointment times have been sent home with your child tonight. I would like to remind parents that appointments to speak to your child's class teacher are 5 minutes. Please be mindful that other parents will be waiting.

Please click the link below to see this week's newsletter to keep you up to date on up and coming events in school:


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 28/02/25

Good evening,

It is amazing to see the school rocking to music tonight at our PHA school disco. All the children have had an amazing time and I’d like to thank our PHA for organising this for them.

It has been a lovely first week back in school and the weather is starting to improve as spring arrives. The children have all returned with amazing attitudes after a nice break and there is an exciting month ahead in school.

Next week will see us celebrate World Book Day. Reading is a hugely important part of education and one which opens up life opportunities. It will be wonderful to celebrate this together in school and all children are invited to attend school as their favourite book character next Thursday which is World book Day.

Our ground work projects in school are continuing to evolve and I hope they will be completed soon. They will offer new spaces for the children and I’d like to thank everyone with their patience and support as we continue to develop the school grounds for all children.

Please click on the link to see the newsletter below and have a lovely weekend:


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Posted 14/02/25

I can’t believe it is February half term already. It has been a wonderful half term and this week in particular has seen many highlights which hopefully you’ve read about on ClassDojo; A trip to Wigan Warriors, children promoting our stronger starts initiative at Tesco in Burscough, a wonderful online safety road show ran by the children and today we saw our Year 4 children lead our final worship of the term on the value of Courage. As part of this they sang the song ‘Blackbird’ giving a wonderful final moment of the term.

I’ve also had the pleasure of working with Year 1 in Forest school this afternoon and have been delighted by their attitude and work in the outdoors! These outdoor experiences are really helping the children to develop and I am delighted we are able to offer them.

In everything I see the children do I feel so very proud of them as they really shine in all aspects of school life. I always feel privileged to be a part of their journey and enjoy and see them flourishing in so many ways.

I’d like to wish everyone a lovely half term break and hope everyone manages some opportunity to relax. I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 24th March. I am hoping our ground projects will be near completion then!

Please click on the link to see our newsletter.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 13/02/25

Good afternoon,

This morning, I had the privilege of taking our sports council to a special event at the home of Wigan Warriors. The children represented our school superbly and had the opportunity to ask question to some of the women’s first team, have a tour of the stadium, tour the training facilities, write some good luck messages to the team and view some of the silverware that the men’s and women’s first teams have won. It was a great experience for the children which they really enjoyed.

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Posted 07/02/25

Good afternoon,

I thoroughly enjoyed taking a group of Year 4 children to the academy of Liverpool Football Club this week to participate in a six a side tournament. The children were amazing and demonstrated great attitudes and skill as they competed against schools from West Lancashire. They won 3 games and lost two overall and I was very proud of how they all conducted themselves. Certainly some future players - I hope Mr Slot was watching carefully!

This week the children have also been learning about their mental health and ways to support healthy minds. I know we all understand the value and importance of looking after this aspect of ourselves and I was delighted to see how well the children understood this important issue.

It was brilliant to lead two special assemblies with the children on the different emotions we can experience and how we can learn to manage them. I have really enjoyed seeing the different things they have been doing across school. A big thank you to Mrs Nolan, who led every class in school in a yoga session, focusing on mindfulness, being still and relaxing our bodies and our minds.

Next week the children will also be learning about staying safe online, which also links to their mental health. The safety of the children in our school is paramount to us and it is only by working as a community together that we can ensure their safety online and help the children become responsible citizens.

On Tuesday, we invite you all to come into school to learn with us about the importance of online safety. The children have organised an online safety roadshow to share with you their learning and understanding of staying safe online. Please see click on the link below to our newsletter for further details of this event:


I hope that you all have a relaxing weekend and can find moments of calm and time to relax together.

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Posted 04/02/25

Health and Safety Notice.

Good afternoon,

I am asking for everyone’s support with one particular aspect of entering school at the start of the day.

In the interests of safety, please can all families ensure that children entering at the front of school remain under direct supervision and do not play around the cars in the carpark or on the stones that are currently part of our building project. These are not safe play places and not part of our designated play spaces in school.

We have had some recent reports of children playing around cars with sticks, on the yellow bollards around the gas main, yellow railings at the front of school, climbing on the large rocks and also playing football. In addition, we have had reports of scratches to cars in the carpark.

As a school we fully believe in play experiences and I am fully committed to all children having good play opportunities once in the building. However, the carpark and driveway at the front of school are not suitable places for children to play.

I have spoken to children about this today reminding them that the front of school is a waiting area not a play area and no one should be on the carpark.

Once our new ground developments are completed, I will be starting working on phase four of our grounds project which is the redevelopment of the carpark and front space to demarcate more clearly the carparking area from the pedestrian area. I also wish to make the pedestrian waiting areas larger.

Until then I hope everyone can support this request.

Many thanks.

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Posted 31/01/25

Good afternoon,

This week, the building work around our school grounds has finally started and I am really looking forward to seeing how these spaces will develop. I hope they will create new and exciting areas for the children to use.

Next week is children's mental health week. Everyone in school values and recognises the importance of ensuring good mental health and the children will be undertaking work in their classes relevant to this important aspect of life. Mrs Nolan has planned some yoga and mindfulness opportunities for all the children and we will be letting you know about the things the children are up to throughout the week.

To mark the start of the week, all children are invited into school wearing green accessories with their uniform on Monday as part of our focus and we will have a special assembly focussing on this. Please click on the link below to read more about this and start conversations at home. There are some good resources that you may find useful:


I’d also like to remind families that Tuesday 11th February is our online safety day. Staying safe online is certainly an important aspect of looking after our mental health as well. The children will all be focussing on different ways of staying safe online in their classes and on Tuesday 11th at 2:30 pm parents are invited into the hall when school council members from every class along with all our Year 6 children will be presenting ways of staying safe to parents as part of our online safety road show. If you are able and would like to drop in to support the children, please come along at 2:30pm and hear what the children have to say. Following the event, parents will be able to make their way to the usual collection points to meet children after school.

Please click on the link below to see our most recent newsletter and stay up to date with things in school:


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 09/01/25

Good afternoon,

It has been wonderful to welcome all the children back this week and hear of their lovely Christmas experiences. There is no better way to start a new year than seeing the children return full of smiles and happiness and I have been so impressed with their attitude to learning upon return to school. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope 2025 is a healthy and happy one for you all.

Our Christian values are so important to school life and this term our focus is courage. This week in worship I have spoken with all the children about courage being such an important aspect of life for us all. There are always times when we feel unsure or worried about something. We would ask you to discuss this value with your child at home and help them to consider the importance of courage when they might feel like they can't do something and that taking the first step can help us grow as individuals, although we all know it can be somewhat daunting.

Please click on the link below to see our newsletter with key information for the coming week.


I’d like to wish everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 20/12/24

Good afternoon,

The last week of school has been wonderful with so many special events in every class. In particular, the last two days have seen numerous things in school with an exciting visit from reindeer and a Santa dash being among the highlights.

Finally, today we held a special worship to finish for Christmas which was opened by our choir. Our school value of this term led a key message of giving love and care to all this Christmas too. The children have certainly been doing this in school this year and we are so very proud of them.

As we near the end of 2024 I wish to send a heartfelt thank you to all of our families for supporting us this year. The school has had an incredibly successful year due to how well we all work together for the good of all children. Thank you!

I have also been overwhelmed by the kind wishes, gifts and generosity this Christmas and want to personally thank you for this and the support you give to me and our school community.

Wishing everyone a very ‘Peaceful and Merry Christmas.’

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Posted 19/12/24

A huge well done to Attenborough who won the house cup this week and also managed to win enough points to win the house cup for the whole term! They received the trophy in our award assembly this morning.

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Posted 18/12/24

Good morning everyone,

Following a great party day yesterday we are looking forward to a Christmas lunch today and a visit from some very special reindeer.

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Posted 16/12/24

Good afternoon,

This morning all of the children in KS2 performed their carol concert 'Stable Story' in church for our younger children as their dress rehearsal.

The concert opened with our school choir and the nativity story was led by our amazing Year 6 children who spoke and sang so well bringing Christmas to life. It really is a wonderful retelling of the very first Christmas.

We are very excited to welcome families into Church tonight at 6:00pm to join us as the children lead this very special Christmas service which I have no doubt will bring the Christmas message to everyone who is able to attend.

A huge thank you to all of the children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 for working so hard to create such a wonderful event and of course the staff who have led them in putting the service together.

I look forward to seeing everyone who is able to make it tonight.

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Posted 13/12/24

Good afternoon,

Our Christmas celebrations have continued today as our Reception children performed their first ever nativity. They lit up the school with their singing and acting and it was wonderful to share the experience with the children’s families. It was a really special moment for everyone!

A huge thank you to everyone who could attend on the day and to all the staff in Reception for working so hard with the children. I cannot believe they have only been in school for three months.

Our school choir are also helping to lead the Christmas celebrations and they once again performed wonderful carols for the families who attended today whilst the PHA provided tea, coffee and a mince pie.

As we head into the weekend please click on the link below to check out our newsletter and see what is going in school during the last week before Christmas.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 12/12/24

Today we were all so proud of our Year 4 children who performed superbly at their ukulele concert for the whole school and their families.

They continued to build on the wonderful Christmas feeling in school through their songs and they also performed an exceptional reading of the famous Lewis Carroll poem 'Jabberwocky'.

A big thank you to all the children and staff in Year 4 who made this possible and all the families who were able to come and support the children.

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Posted 12/12/24

A massive well done to our Year 1 and Year 2 children who brought such joy to all of school this week as they retold the very first Christmas. They were all excellent as they retold the birth of Jesus through acting and singing.

It was wonderful to invite families into school to watch this very special nativity and support the children.

I'd also like to thank all of the staff in Year 1 and 2 for leading them in this and our PHA for providing tea, coffee and mince pies whilst the choir sang after the nativity had finished.

It certainly started our Christmas celebrations in the best possible way as we continue to move through advent.

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Posted 06/12/24

Good afternoon,

Alongside the preparations for our nativities and hearing children singing carols, Christmas joy is certainly filling school life at the moment. This week the children in Year 5 have been on tour! On Tuesday evening they took part in Lancashire Big Sing, at Ormskirk High School, singing as part of a community choir of local schools. The children represented the school so well in music.

On Wednesday afternoon the Year 5 children made their way over to the Ministry Centre, where they performed their songs for the clients of Home Instead, bringing joy to all who listened! A big thank you to all the children and to the staff who made these events possible.

As we enter the final two weeks before the Christmas break, I ask everyone to please check the newsletter for information of up-and-coming events. Please click below:


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 29/11/24

Good afternoon,

This week I was delighted to see our Worship Warriors lead worship so well at St Michaels C of E Primary School. They talked to the children about the meaning of advent and started this very exciting season for everyone. It is a really wonderful part of the school year and as we approach Christmas, it is lovely to hear the sound of all the children rehearsing for their Christmas nativities.

We are all excited about welcoming our families into school and church to join in with the Christmas celebrations over the coming weeks. Details of dates and times can be found on the school newsletter below.

Yesterday the children were also invited to attend a Christmas movie night organised by our fantastic PHA! All the children were amazing and it was lovely to see brilliant support for this event and their enjoyment in the lead up to Christmas. A massive thank you to all the parents on the PHA who supported this both on the night and behind the scenes.

Finally, today I have really enjoyed watching Year 1 learning outdoors in their Forest School. Following on from Reception’s outside colour wheels earlier in the week and Year 4 cooking paella outside on the camp fire yesterday, Year 1 have some amazing learning experiences today which will be continuing each Friday into the New Year. Learning outdoors is crucial for all children and we are really pleased to give these opportunities for all children across school.

Please click on the link below to see details of all events leading up to the Christmas break.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 22/11/24

Good afternoon,

It has been lovely to see the first few flakes of snow this week and I know the children were excited to see the winter weather arrive.

As we approach December and the season of advent, I encourage everyone to click on the link below to view our newsletter and see key dates for nativities and events leading up to Christmas:


Preparations for Christmas are now starting in school and the children are all learning songs for their nativities.

Today our Worship Warriors led school superbly in a special worship on the season of advent.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 15/11/24

Good evening,

Once again, we were delighted to welcome parents and carers into school for our autumn progress meeting about your children. We are so proud of all the children and how well they have settled into their new classes this academic year and it was lovely to see so many families attend on the night. I certainly enjoyed the opportunity to speak with some of you during the evening.

I have really enjoyed going into classes and it really is wonderful to see the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the children for their learning experiences throughout the curriculum.

Today we marked Children in Need with our own clothes and wear something spotty and or yellow day! The children really entered into the spirit of the day and showed compassion, our school value this term, in action. I would like to give my thanks to you all for your very kind donations.
All donations go to this charity that helps improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people around the UK

I also want to give another mention to our girls’ football team who did so well last night at their competition. We are all really proud of the girls for competing so well and finishing second.

Please click on the link below for this week’s newsletter:

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

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Posted 08/11/24

We Shall Remember Them

In school next week we will be thinking about Remembrance Day. The children are also creating displays around school to reflect Remembrance Day and Year 4 have created a wonderful display outside the front of school to begin this special moment of reflection.

On Monday we will be hold a special Remembrance service and we will all come together for prayers and to remember the great sacrifices made by many involved in war and conflict.

Next week we also have a key focus on anti-bullying. This is always something we work on with the children as being kind, caring and a good friend is all part of our school value of compassion.

Throughout the week all children will take part in activities in their classes and whole school assemblies. Tuesday 12th is odd socks day. Wearing odd socks signifies the uniqueness and individuality of all of us. This is certainly something to celebrate. The theme for 2024 is "Choose Respect"

Also, just a reminder that there is a parents evening on Wednesday 13th November, times will be sent home with the children today. Please remember that this meeting is for parents and not the children.

As we finish for the weekend, I would also like to let all of our families know that Mrs Rawsthorne will be retiring at Christmas. Mrs Rawsthorne has been an integral part of our school community for over 20 years, supporting and teaching hundreds of children. Her dedication is to be commended. To work in any industry for so long is an incredible achievement and the care, support and happiness she has brought to the children of our community will always be remembered; she will be greatly missed. We would like to take this opportunity to formally thank Mrs Rawsthorne for her unswerving commitment and we wish her every happiness on the next step of her journey.

Finally, please click on the link to see our newsletter this week for key updates and up and coming events this term:


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 01/11/24/

Good afternoon,

It’s been a wonderful first week back and I have really enjoyed seeing all the children again after a half term break. In particular, this week has highlighted many things to celebrate as a school.

Prior to half term, we underwent our SIAMS inspection which assesses crucial aspects of school life. During the inspection I received some wonderful comments about our school, staff, children and community which I felt incredibly proud to hear. I am privileged and fortunate to see these things each and every day and to have an inspector visit school and also highlight these was a wonderful moment following an exceptional Ofsted report last summer. I am delighted to be able to share the report with you all today and ask that you please click on the link below to read the findings from the inspector’s visit. I want to offer my sincere thanks to all the children, families and staff who help make our community so special

SIAMS Report 2024

This week I also attended an event with Isaac and Niamh from Year 5, our sports council leaders, to collect two awards from an award ceremony at Ormskirk Cricket Club. These awards are fantastic achievements and recognise the amazing work the children and staff do in their P.E lessons and school sport overall.

Firstly, we were delighted to receive an equality access award in football which reflects the inclusivity of how we ensure football is a sport open to all and especially promotes girls’ football in school.

We also received our platinum award in school sport and P.E. This award reflects everything children do in lessons, competitive sport, being active, daily running, playing at breaktimes and many other aspects of school life, especially the high levels of participation in school sport. The platinum award is the highest mark we can receive for P.E and sport and is testament to our work in this area over a number of years.
All these awards and reports are very well deserved and continue to highlight the success of the children and how well we work together as a community.

Finally, please click on the link below to access our newsletter for this week. The newsletter notes that our parents’ evening is on Wednesday 13th November and I ask everyone return the slips sent home today by Wednesday 6th November to ensure teachers can make appointments.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 17/10/24

Good afternoon,

As we finish for half term I’d like to acknowledge our SIAMS inspection that took place on Monday.
Whilst everyone will understand I cannot discuss any findings of the inspection at this point, I can offer my heartfelt thanks to you all for the support, encouragement and kindness everyone has once again shown during an inspection. I continue to feel so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community.

I wish to thank all the staff for always working incredibly hard and caring so much about every aspect of school life, creating such a fantastic environment for the children.

Finally, of course, I wish to thank the children for just being the super young people they are. I look forward to sharing the findings of our SIAMS inspection with you all next term. Until that point arrives, I really hope everyone understands that until the report is published I am unable to comment any further on the process.

Today we also held a special worship to say thank you and goodbye to Reverend Sarah O’Donoghue. Sarah has been a huge part of our school community for 13 years now and she will be missed. We wish her all the best in her new role.
Pleased click on the link below to see our newsletter:


Wishing everyone a lovely half term.

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Posted 04/10/24

Good afternoon,

A huge thank you to everyone for the generous donations towards the foodbank, to all those who were able to join us this morning for our harvest service and to all the staff and children for preparing this; it was wonderful to see so many people attend to hear the message of Harvest Hope and to see generosity in action. The children were exceptional in presenting this special Harvest Service., we are all so proud of them!

We are also so grateful for all the cake donations for our Macmillan coffee morning and for people who came along; it was very successful!

The photographer will be visiting school on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th October as follows:

Monday 7th—Individual & sibling groups
Tuesday 8th— Class photographs.

Please make sure all children are dressed in the correct winter uniform. May we remind you that hair accessories should be school colours of white or blue.

Next Thursday (10th October) is World Mental Day. We always talk to the children about looking after our mental health and everyone is invited to wear a green accessory (E.g hats, socks ribbons, badges, hair accessories or scarves).
Please click on the link below to see this week’s newsletter:


Thank you and have a wonderful weekend,

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Posted 27/09/24

Good evening,

This week was election week in school and the children have voted in 4 new house captains from Year 6. I was incredibly proud of all the Year 6 children who put themselves forward for the role and the way the children conducted themselves whether they were voted in or not. I certainly can see future leaders in our Year 6 and I have encouraged them all to always put themselves forward in the future as they clearly have great leadership ability.

I would like to congratulate the four children who were voted in.

Attenborough -Mia 
Curie – Rory
Mandela – Hugo
Nightingale – Lucia 

Each class also voted for their class representatives to form the new school council alongside the Year 6 house captains. I would like to congratulate them all. The class councillors for each class this year are:

Reception voted for Charlotte and Benjamin
Year 1 voted for Macy and James
Year 2 voted for Kiki and Rayne
Year 3 voted for Dexter and Maddie
Year 4 voted for Oliver and Amelia
Year 5 voted for Isla and Lola

The children across school have also been getting ready for our Harvest Service and they are in fine voice! It has been fantastic to hear their enthusiasm resounding around the school as the children have been practising their songs. The Harvest Service is being held on Friday 4th October at 9:15am in Church.

Parents, carers and families are warmly invited to attend the service. Families wishing to attend should go directly to church in time for the service, once they have dropped children off at school.
We would also appreciate donations of non-perishable food for children to offer at the service which will be donated to Ormskirk food bank. Any donations can be brought to school on the day.

Our Harvest Service will be followed by our Macmillan Coffee Morning in school. Everyone is invited to join us back at school for this event.
We would very much appreciate donations of cakes for our coffee morning which is a very good cause that our school supports every year. Children can bring any cake donations into school on Wednesday or Thursday morning.

We are looking forward to sharing this special time of year with you.

Please click on the link below for this week's newsletter:


I hope you enjoy your weekend.

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Posted 20/09/24

Good evening,

As we finish another week in school I would like to say how fantastic it was to see many of our families at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening this week. Thank you so much for your support and please do get in touch with any questions.

This week we have been continuing to think of our Christian value of generosity and Year 4 led a wonderful worship this morning. We are encouraging the children to consider what generosity in action looks like and have talked to them about how being generous does not always mean with money or gifts but it can be with our time. In school I see and hear of many examples of this from the children who really are amazing!

Please click here to see some longer-term diary dates.


Some up and coming dates are the PHA meeting on Monday at 5:30pm in school for anyone wishing to attend and our Harvest Service in Church on Friday 4th October at 9.15am. Please find below a link to this week’s newsletter which contains details these events.


Finally, I’d like to wish everyone a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing all the children on Monday morning.

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Posted 13/09/24

Good afternoon,

It has been wonderful to see all of the children settling into their new classes this week and school life has certainly started once again.

This half term we have been exploring our value of generosity through worship with all of the children.
Today Year 5 led worship and shared the letters we have received from our sponsor children who everyone has worked so hard to support this last year.

Giving 5 children the opportunity to go to school really is one of the greatest gifts we can give and I am so proud of everyone in our community who has supported in this.

Together we have raised a magnificent £2890.49 over the last 12 months through a variety of activities which will significantly impact on children’s lives and future opportunities.

Year 5 also discussed the orangutans that the current Year 6 worked so hard to support last year, which is another example of generosity.
At the end I thanked the children and told them how very proud I am to see them all thinking of others and being generous in the world – these acts make the world a better place to be.

Please click on the link below to access the newsletter and see details of our meet the teacher event for parents in Years 1 -6, next Wednesday:


Have a great weekend.

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Posted 06/09/24

Good afternoon,

It has been wonderful to see everyone back in school this week, the children really have been amazing.

A special welcome to our new Reception children who have started their journey with us; they have all made a brilliant start to school life.

I'd like to say a big well done to all the children who completed the library challenge over the summer. The library have been in touch to say how well the children in our school have done and we gave out lots of awards on Thursday.

Enjoy the Friday sunshine to start the weekend.

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Posted 02/09/24

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope everyone has managed some rest over the summer and I look forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow for the start of another exciting school year!

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Posted 12/07/24

Good afternoon,

This afternoon your child will receive a copy of their end of year report. Should you wish to discuss any element of this report there is an informal opportunity on Monday 15th July from 3:30pm -5:00pm when you can drop into school to meet with your child’s teacher should you wish.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Next week all the children from Reception to Year 5 will get to meet their new class teacher In preparation for next year. The class teachers are:

Reception - Miss Geeson
Year 1 - Miss Daw
Year 2 - Miss Simmons
Year 3 - Mrs Chapple
Year 4 - Mrs Nolan
Year 5 - Mrs Frackelton
Year 6- Mr Swift

Please click below to see our newsletter for this week.


Thank you

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Posted 03/07/24

Good afternoon,

A huge well done to all of the children in Key Stage 2 today who competed in their sports day. The children competed in their new houses for the first time. These are:

Curie – Yellow
Attenborough – Green
Mandela - Purple
Nightingale - Orange

We were delighted the rain stayed away as all the children worked really hard in the different events throughout the day.

During the morning they had already competed in lots of different competitions before taking part in races and throwing events in front of their families in the afternoon.

A huge thank you to all the staff and children for making this such a lovely day of sport and to the families who were able to come and support everyone; creating a lovely atmosphere for the children to compete in.

It was our closest sports day for such a long time but Mandela took the title on the day and now hold the House Cup.

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Posted 21/06/24

Good afternoon,

This week a group of Year 5 and 6 children represented the school at Quad Kids, the District athletics event. The event took place at Edgehill athletics track and all children had to take part in sprint races, 600 metre races, a vortex howler throw and long jump. Their attitudes and sporting talent was evident throughout the event and as a team they finished in second place overall – a tremendous achievement. There were many individual winners from the team in separate events and over all the disciplines George in Year 6 finished in third place out of all the boys in the district. A massive well done to everyone involved.

Alongside our cricket success and platinum sports award this week it has been a very successful sporting week for school!

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Posted 11/06/24

Good morning,

Well done to our Year 6 children who enjoyed the leavers service at Liverpool Cathedral yesterday. They are a wonderful group of children and once again represented the school superbly at this event.

The service focussed on the story of David and Goliath and how we are all able to achieve great things in the world. This is certainly true of our Year 6 children as they take their first steps on the transition to high school.

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Posted 07/06/24

Good afternoon,

It has been a lovely start to the last half term of the school year. In particular, I wish to thank everyone for the lovely comments and messages following our Oftsed report publication this week. Everyone in school is overwhelmed by the support, kindness and care of our community and I feel incredibly proud and privileged to be part of this.

It was also a privilege to watch our worship warriors lead worship at Lathom St James C of E Primary School in Westhead. They spoke superbly and delivered the wonderful message of Pentecost so clearly. We are all really proud of them.
There are lots of events on over the coming weeks so I encourage everyone to click on the link below to check our newsletter:


In particular, next week will see our Year 1 children undertake their phonics check and Year 4 children undertake their multiplication checks. During the morning the office will be close except for emergencies. We ask that whenever possible people email any enquiries in to support the administration of the assessments taking place.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

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Posted 04/06/24

Good afternoon,

Following on from last term’s Ofsted inspection, I am delighted to provide a copy of our school’s Ofsted report. I have attached a PDF to this message and sent a paper copy home as well tonight.

I wish to place on record my heartfelt thanks to the whole of our wonderful community for the incredible support we always receive and for helping to make our school such a special place to be. I especially wish to thank all of the staff who work extremely hard every single day to create the very best learning environment for all of our children. They really do show immense dedication to all aspects of school life.

In particular, I wish to thank the amazing children who make up our school. It is a privilege and a pleasure to be here with them every single day. During the inspection, over the course of the many meetings that I had, it was an honour to hear from the Inspection Team over and over again, how wonderful the children are and how they commended their behaviours, learning, personal development and attitudes. It is lovely to see this reflected in the report as this is something I have said many times over the years. I have again shared this message with the children this afternoon - they really are incredible young people who never fail to shine and give great hope of a wonderful future. As a community we are truly blessed.

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Posted 23/05/24

Good evening,

This week has been very busy and full of enterprise!
The children have been learning about industry, finance, profit, and advertising. The theme for our enterprise week has been Uganda.

Across school, the children have been working in teams to make lots of different items to sell and the money raised will be going to support the children that we sponsor in Uganda to help them to be able to attend school. Please click on the link to find out about our sponsor children.


I was absolutely amazed by the products the children made and once again they demonstrated such amazing and creative attitudes throughout the event. A big thank you to all the parents and families who could attend the market this morning and join in our fundraising. It was fantastic to be able to invite you in for this special event.

Finally, I'd like to sincerely thank all our children, staff, and families for helping to make the last half term so exciting and look forward to another fun packed term ahead.

Please click on the link below to see this week's newsletter with details of our up and coming summer fair.


I hope that you all have a wonderful, relaxing half term and I look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 3rd June.

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Posted 18/05/24

Good morning,

This week has been another busy one in school. In particular, we are so proud of our Year 6 children who have shown unswerving commitment, great attitudes and hard work taking their SATs. Every child has been exemplary in their approach to school during the examination period. On behalf of all the staff in school I want to say how proud we all are of them for being so positive in approaching this week in the best possible way.

I spoke to all the children about how the assessments this week are only one aspect of who they are. Every day we get to celebrate their many talents from dance, music, art and sport to general knowledge, outside interests, amazing acts of kindness and humour.

We really know each child so well and they consistently demonstrate so many amazing attributes that make them the wonderful individuals that they are. In particular, all the staff see their care, compassion, determination and courage every day.

We also want to say a huge thank you to all the children across school this week who have supported Year 6 so well by maintaining a calm learning environment for them.

I want to once again add my thanks to all the staff who work tremendously hard with the children each day and to our families who support us all in ensuring the very best for the children at school. We are all looking forward to enjoying a lovely summer term together!

Next week is our Enterprise week in school and the children are making items linked to Uganda as they continue to raise funds to sponsor 5 children to attend koch Goma Primary School. They are then holding a market at 10:30 am on Thursday for any family members who are able to come along. The children will be selling the products they have made. The week really helps the children to understand the financial world and enterprise.

Please click on the link below to access the school newsletter:


Wishing everyone a very happy Saturday!

I hope that you have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 10/05/24

Good evening,

Although this has been a shorter week in school, the children have certainly had another busy and exciting few days!

Year 3 have been practising their Djembe drumming and showing super rhythm whilst learning these instruments. The sound from the drumming is literally making school shake with fantastic beats and sounds. Year 5 have also continued to build on their residential last week through their kayaking lessons at Crosby Marina and are showing great water confidence , skills and personal development.

Reception have been continuing to develop their cycling ability on the balance bikes and making excellent progress in gliding and navigating around obstacles. It is hard to believe they have only been in school since September.

I would once again like to commend the cricket team on winning the Ormskirk and District competition on Wednesday. They truly showed excellent ability, teamwork and attitudes throughout the competition which is something I see reflected in daily school life!

Finally, our Year 6 children have been working incredibly hard towards their end of primary school statutory assessments. They really have been exemplary in their approach to their final year of primary school. We are so proud of them all and wish them every success next week. Whilst these are important assessments for them, we all know that the children are so much more than the tests they take. Their attitude and talents shine through in every part of school life which reflects the amazing individuals they are.

At this very busy time of year, I would also like to place on record my continued heartfelt thanks to all the staff who work so hard to create all the wonderful opportunities for the children and to all our families for the great support you give to our school.

Please click on the links below to see our newsletter:


Enjoy the sunshine and have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 03/05/24

Good evening,

I’d like to enter the weekend by acknowledging the Ofsted inspection that took place on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Whilst everyone will understand I cannot discuss any findings of the inspection at this point, I can offer my heartfelt thanks to you all for the support, encouragement and kindness you have shown during the week. I have always felt so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community, never more so than this last week.

I also wish to thank all the staff for always working incredibly hard and caring so much about every aspect of school life and creating the fantastic experiences for the children.

Finally, of course, I wish to thank the children for just being the super young people they are. Over the next term, I look forward to sharing the findings of our Ofsted inspection with you all. Until that point arrives, I really hope everyone understands that until the report is published I am unable to comment any further on the process.

A big highlight of this week was our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children taking part in the district cross country event on Wednesday. The children all showed amazing attitudes, camaraderie and participated really well, showing excellent drive and determination to do their best and together, the children really achieved excellent results!

On Thursday Year 5 went on their residential to Crosby Marina and they started their day exploring coastal changes. The children then went on the Marina to develop their water sports skills in paddle boarding, Kayaking, sailing and raft building. I really enjoyed the opportunity to spend an evening with the children as we also enjoyed a game of beach football, a wonderful sunset and music around a campfire.

Across school all the staff continue to be so proud of all the children who show such amazing team work, great attitudes, friendship and spirit of adventure.

Please click on the link below to see this week's newsletter:


I hope that you all enjoy the long weekend and I look forward to seeing the children return on Tuesday 7th May.

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Posted 26/04/24

Good evening,

It has been lovely to see the children around school embodying our value of service; from our Year 6 playground leaders supporting and helping the younger children, to general acts of service including - holding doors open for each other and keeping our school grounds tidy.

This week in worship, Sarah talked about a different act of service in the form of encouragement. Year 3 certainly demonstrated this on their adventure walk and camp. It was also wonderful to see them supporting one another in assembling their tents and carrying their luggage.

Year 3 showed fantastic attitudes, friendship, perseverance and care throughout their time away.
It was a privilege to share this adventure with them and see them grow in confidence in such a short amount of time. A big thank you to all the staff who made the visit possible and the amazing children for being the superstars they are.

Well done Year 3, we are all so proud of you!

Please refer to last week's newsletter for up and coming events:


I hope that you have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 19/04/24

Good afternoon and welcome to our summer term!

It has been fantastic to see all of our children return to school this week at the start of probably the busiest time of year for everyone.

This week we have had special visitors from Lancashire to audit our safeguarding in school and we received extremely positive feedback. In particular, I have been delighted by the children's responses to feeling safe in school, how we stay safe and who we can trust to help us.

I was also really pleased to see our youngest children in school taking part in balance bike activities as Reception have had special lessons this week. I am looking forward to seeing their skills develop over the term ahead!

On our newsletter there are details of our residential trips away this term. Year 3 will have an adventure walk and camp at Rock and River, Year 5 are off to will undertake a 5 week kayaking course at Crosby Marina and as part of that course, they will stay overnight. Year 6 will spend a whole week in the Lake District and Year 4 are undertaking an exciting expedition and camp in the Forest of Bowland.

I am absolutely delighted that our school is able to take 120 children on different outdoor experiences to engage with the world around them and be active in an adventurous way. At our school we have a real ethos of engaging with the outdoors to support child development and these experiences will really enhance the children’s learning and experiences over the summer term. I firmly believe that connecting with the outdoors is also another way to support our mental and emotional health, something we all place great importance on in a very busy world. I know all the children are excited about the up and coming opportunities and all the staff are too.

Year 3 have also enjoyed having a change of musical instrument as 30 djembe drums came into school and they all started drumming lessons in class yesterday.

At the end of this busy week, I really couldn’t be prouder of our amazing children and everything I see each day. Being in school every day is a real joy and privilege.
Our new value this term is service and we have been already considering how we can best serve others by things that we do. Please talk to your child about this and encourage them to carry out acts of service in the home and in their community.

Please click on the links below to see our newsletter and diary dates:


Diary Dates:

Have a great weekend.

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Posted 28/03/24

Good afternoon,

This week has been a wonderful last week of term.

All the classes have all enjoyed visiting church to learn about the Easter story with Sarah and Jackie and the children have reflected on this in class and through a special Easter worship today.

I’d like to take this chance to thank all our families for the incredible support you have given to our school community this term. I also wish to thank our incredible children once again for lighting up our school every day and thank all the staff for creating the wonderful learning opportunities for them.

On behalf of everyone at Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School, I would like to wish you a very Happy Easter.

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Posted 22/03/24

Good afternoon,

As Headteacher, I feel incredibly proud of our school community and the children for all the wonderful things they do every single day! We often receive letters from members of our community praising the different things that our children do in and out of school, including their behaviour and achievements. As we approach the end of term I want to share two lovely letters from the Government about some of our achievements.

The phonics screening check in Year 1 is an important check point on a child’s journey to read and the multiplication check in Year 4 is an important check on a child’s maths journey through school in mastering an understanding of number.

These statutory checks are always carried out in the summer term. This term, we received two lovely letters from Damian Hinds, The Minister for Schools, about the children’s attainment last year in the summer of 2023.

In the Year 1 phonics assessments in 2023 we were placed in the top 3 % of schools in the country for attainment and in the Year 4 multiplication check 2023 we were placed in the top 200 schools in the country. Both of these placings reflect the hard work of the children and staff in school, alongside support from our families, ensuring our children can reach their potential. I would like to congratulate the staff and children for these achievements and share the letters from The Minister of Schools with you all.

Everyone in school works incredibly hard to ensure all children reach their potential in every way and further information about our academic results across school can be found by clicking here:


At the end of Key Stage 2 when the children are leaving for high school, they are consistently attaining above or well above the national averages in reading, writing and maths.

I wish to sincerely thank all the staff, children and families in our school community for working together to ensure the very best.

Please click on the link below to see our newsletter.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 20/03/24

A huge thank you to everyone for making our school bounce to the music at our egg-cellent Easter bingo tonight. It was brilliant to see everyone having fun and supporting our school at this event.

A big thank you to the PHA for working so hard to organise this event and all the amazing children and adults who danced the night away whilst marking their bingo numbers.

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Posted 15/03/24

Good evening,

It was lovely to welcome parents into school this week to celebrate the children's achievements and progress. I have the privilege of walking through the classrooms every day and seeing all the amazing learning that all the children do with such fantastic attitudes. The vibrant classrooms really celebrate and reflect the children's accomplishments and I really hope that you enjoyed the opportunity to come into school to see this. I certainly enjoyed the chance to speak with lots of parents on the evening and see the children's work around school. I'd like to thank our wonderful children and staff for the incredible work they do every day to make our school such a special place to be and ensure these events are so lovely to attend.

Also on Wednesday, I was so proud of some of our Year 4 children who represented our school so well at a 'Dengineers' event. They showed fantastic attitudes and teamwork and thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon den building.

Finally, a huge thank you for all the kind donations for Comic Relief. Your donation can help people who are facing the toughest times of their lives, here in the UK and around the world.

Please click on the link below to see this week's newsletter which will inform you of all the events taking place around school over the coming week. In particular, we are very excited to be holding our annual Easter Bingo event on Wednesday evening. Doors are opening at 5.30pm and eyes down at 6.00pm. On sale on the night will be refreshments, Irish Lottery tickets and raffle tickets. We would really appreciate donations of Easter eggs to be used as prizes in the evening, to be donated to school from now on. We would welcome any donations of cakes on the day of the event. We hope you can make it!


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 08/03/24

Good afternoon,

It has been another fantastic week in school and we all thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day on Thursday.

Reading is a crucial part of education and a gateway to the World and our imagination.

A huge thank you to all of our families for supporting the children in dressing up as their favourite book characters and creating fabulous character potatoes. A big well done to the finalists and winners of the competition.

Please click the link below to see this week's newsletter:


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 01/03/24

Good evening,

School was bouncing to the sound of music at our PHA disco this evening. It was a great way to start the weekend. A big thank you to all of the children who attended and our PHA for organising this event.

Please click on the link below to see our newsletter.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 29/02/24

Good afternoon,

Our school council held a special assembly today to feedback on our zoom with Koch Goma Primary School in Uganda last week.

They discussed the many things that are similar and different about living in different places. On discussing some things which are different, the children reminded everyone that not all children in Uganda can go to school as you need to pay.

As a school, we sponsor 5 children so they can gain an education. This fits really well with our value of Justice at the moment as it is our belief that every child in the world has a right to an education.

To support our sponsor children, we have sent home little collection boxes which the children can use to collect some funds over the coming weeks.

We even suggested, in keeping with lent, if the children don’t buy some sweets, chocolate or something they would normally do one weekend, if they gave this up for lent, they could put the money they would usually spend in the box.
Another idea is if you buy something and have some change it could be put in.

Every penny raised will go to support our 5 children attending school each day.

We will be collecting any boxes during the last week of term.

Many thanks for your support.

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Posted 23/02/24

Good afternoon,

What a lovely welcome I received on Monday morning when the whole school gathered for worship. It was good to see all the children once again after half term and hear their enthusiastic voices as they wished me good morning.

This new term’s focus is the value of Justice. The children have been learning what it means to be fair and to think about how they can apply this value to their everyday lives.

Yesterday we really enjoyed the opportunity to hold a zoom meeting with Koch Goma Primary School in Uganda. The KS2 school council led the meeting excellently and it was fantastic to hear about the children and their school life and even learn some of their native Acholi language. The children really enjoyed discussing how life in Uganda and the United Kingdom is both similar and different. It is always exciting learning about life in different places! The school council will be holding a special assembly next week to tell everyone about the zoom meeting. Helping our sponsor children to have an education is certainly one example of our children working to ensure justice in our world.

This week, we were so proud of our swimming team who performed unbelievably at the swimming gala on Wednesday evening, securing 2nd place overall! All the children showed great attitudes in every aspect of the event and represented our school brilliantly.

Please click on the link below to see this week’s newsletter:


Apwoyo Matek
(Thank you in Acholi)

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

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Posted 09/02/24

Good afternoon,

This week the children have been learning about their mental health and ways to support healthy minds. I know we all understand the value and importance of looking after this aspect of ourselves and I was delighted to see how well the children understood this important issue. I have really enjoyed seeing the different things they have been doing across school.

They have also been learning about staying safe online, which also links to their mental health. The safety of the children in our school is paramount to us and it is only by working as a community together that we can ensure their safety online and help the children become responsible citizens.

It was certainly wonderful to see so many parents attend the road show on Tuesday and listen to the children talking about the many different ways to stay safe.

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the children for another fantastic term in school which has really seen so many wonderful things going on!

Please click on the link below to read this week's newsletter:

I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and healthy half term break and I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 19th February and hearing about half term adventures!

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Posted 08/02/24

Good afternoon,

Our Worship Warriors were outstanding this morning as they led a special worship all about Lent at Bickerstaffe C of E Primary School. They showed great confidence and ability to stand up and present worship at a different school.

We also enjoyed a special worship all about Lent led by children from Bickerstaffe C of E Primary School.

It is lovely to work together with other schools in our community. A big well done to all of the children involved.

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Posted 06/02/24

Today is online safety day.

As part of the work we are doing with your children in school we would welcome you to join in with us to focus on the importance of being safe online.

The children have organised a roadshow for parents, focusing on different ways of staying safe when online.

Today, at 2:45pm, parents are invited into the school hall where school council members from every class, along with all our Year 6 children, will be presenting ways of staying safe to parents as part of our online safety roadshow.

We hope to see you there!

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Posted 02/02/24

Good afternoon,

Today a number of our governors visited school to look at writing across the curriculum, speak to the children about their learning and also find out about the children's knowledge and understanding of safeguarding. The governors were very impressed and got to glimpse what all the staff in school get to see every day, just how amazing our children are. I am incredibly proud of each and every one of them!

Please find below a link to this week's newsletter with information regarding children's mental health week launching on Monday and details about our online safety parent roadshow event on Tuesday afternoon!


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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Posted 26/01/24

Good afternoon,

As we come to the end of another week, it was wonderful watching our Year 6 children lead us in worship today with such enthusiasm as they discussed our value of perseverance with the children. A huge thank you to them for doing this so well.

Please click on the link to see this week’s newsletter.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 19/01/24

Good evening,

This week the children have loved experiencing our first snow of 2024! The children really enjoyed making snow creations! We also received some lovely aerial photographs from a parent in school showing the lovely environment the children arrived into when attending school that day. A huge thank you to Mr Longfield for capturing this moment and sending these in.

This week Reception class have had a number of parent visitors to talk about their occupations and it has been wonderful for the children to learn about the working world. A huge thank you to all the parents who are coming in to talk to the children and provide these valuable experiences.

Yesterday, our school advisor made a visit to look at maths across school. He was very impressed with the children's enthusiasm and their attitudes to learning. He made a visit to every class and even learnt about dinosaurs in Reception!

Mrs Fazakerley left our school last term and has sent in a message to our whole school community for the lovely well wishes she received upon finishing her career. This can be found on this week's newsletter.

Please click on the link to see this week's newsletter:


Please find the link below for this term's diary dates:


I hope you have a restful weekend.

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Posted 16/01/24

Good afternoon,

The children all enjoyed their playtime in the snow today.

To support with collection at the end of the day, due to the weather conditions, please could Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 be collected from the back playground tonight. Please could children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 be collected from the front of school.
As we have cleared these collection areas, please could everyone leave the site straight away upon collection and not stay to play on the site.

Performing Arts Club is on as normal and children should be collected from the front of school at the end of this club.

Thank you for your support.

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Posted 16/01/24

Good morning,

School looks lovely in the snow and is open as usual this morning. Could all children please use the front entrance of school as the back gate will remain closed.

Please ensure children have coats hats and gloves as they will be able to go out in the snow today.

I also ask that children wear suitable footwear for school and bring school shoes in a bag to change into when in the building.

Please take care on your journey this morning.

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Posted 12/01/24

Good evening,

It has been wonderful to welcome all the children back this week and hear of their lovely Christmas experiences. There is no better way to start a new year than seeing the children return full of smiles and happiness and I have been so impressed with their attitude to learning upon return to school.

Our Christian values are so important to school life and this term our focus is perseverance. This week in worship I have spoken with all the children about perseverance being such an important aspect of life for us all. There are always times when we feel unsure or worried about something we are doing and feel like giving up; this is the same for every person and I know everyone will understand this.

We would ask you to discuss this value with your child at home and help them to consider the importance of perseverance when they might feel like they can't do something and that taking the first step can help us grow as individuals, although we all know it can be somewhat daunting.

Our diary dates are not yet finalised for the spring term and I hope to release these to you next week but please click on the link below to see our newsletter with key information for the coming week.


I’d like to wish everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 08/01/24

Good afternoon,

A very Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that the year ahead is a healthy and happy one for you and your family.

It has been wonderful seeing all the children in school today and hearing about their lovely Christmas experiences.

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Posted 22/12/23

Good afternoon,

This morning we entertained the children with the annual staff pantomime. This year, we had a very special version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. A guest appearance by Mr Fazakerley saw a handsome prince take Snow White, Mrs Fazakerely, off into the sunset for a ‘happy ever after’ ending.

As we finish for Christmas, I want a say a huge thank you to all of our children in school who have worked so hard for the last term. School continues to be a vibrant, innovative and exciting place to be every single today; we have certainly enjoyed a brilliant build up to Christmas.

I’d like to take this opportunity to offer my personal thanks for the continued support from everyone in everything we do as a school – I feel so proud to be part of this wonderful community with you all. I’d also like to thank you for your kindness and generosity in the many heart felt well wishes, cards and gifts - it is very much appreciated - thank you so much!

Over the last 3 weeks and during our school nativities, I have focused on the messages of advent: hope, peace, joy and love.

On behalf of everyone at Christ Church C of E Primary School I would like to wish you a peaceful Christmas with your families. May it be full of joy, love and the hope of a wonderful new year ahead.

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Posted 22/12/23

Good afternoon,

Over the last 3 weeks, our school choir have led in worship and sang for our community to really bring the Christmas story to life through music. The quality of their performances have been exceptional.

After lunch today, they will lead our final worship before Christmas. A huge thank you to Miss Geeson and the choir for creating this amazing aspect of school life. 

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Posted 22/12/23

Good afternoon,

Earlier in the week, our school received a national science award (PSQM) for outstanding science in school. Mr Swift, our Science Lead, has worked really hard with all the staff, children and wider community to ensure science is an incredibly exciting and a strong area of school life. The profile of science has been raised amongst everyone.

In particular, there has been a huge focus on STEM and how science in school can lead to exciting jobs around us. This award is for the work of the children, the staff and the school community.

We are all incredibly proud to have gained this award. A huge well done and thank you to everyone.

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Posted 19/12/23

Good afternoon,

A huge well done to all of the children in school for completing the Santa Dash today.

Everyone did so well as they ran amazing distances listening to Christmas tunes drift across the running path. We were running to support our sponsor children in Uganda. It really was a great event!

The children successfully ran the following distances as a class.

Reception- Half marathon - 94 laps
Year 1 –Half marathon - 94 laps
Year 2 - Half marathon - 94 lap
Year 3 - Marathon - 188 laps
Year 4 - Marathon - 188 laps
Year 5 - Marathon - 188 laps
Year 6 - Ultra Marathon - 222 laps

We will let you know how much money we raised towards the end of the week.

A massive thank you for your support and a huge well done to all of the children.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 15/12/23

Good afternoon,

As we prepare for the final week of school before Christmas, I’d like to say a huge thank you to all of our children for helping us start the Christmas celebrations in the best way through their performances.

This week we have had amazing nativities from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and also a Year 4 ukulele concert. The school choir have also performed superbly throughout the week and will continue to lead us in our celebrations next week; it has certainly been very special to welcome so many families into school to share in these experiences.

The children have really brought such joy to us all and on Monday it is the turn of Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 as we head to Church on Monday evening to begin the final week before Christmas.

I’d also like to offer a huge thank you to our PHA who continue to work so hard to support all areas of school life. Their support brings extra funds into school and also creates wonderful community events. This week we have had a cinema evening for all the children and three coffee and mince pie mornings following the nativities in school. A massive thank you to everyone involved in making this possible.

In order to help with next week’s organisation, you can click on the link below to see a timetable of events. In particular, I’d like to highlight our Santa Dash on Tuesday afternoon. Children can attend this day in festive clothing, particularly any Santa hats or Christmas headwear they may have.

Each class will be completing a challenging Santa Dash to raise funds for our sponsor children in Uganda. At the event we will have a giant start / finish arch and music to encourage the children on their route. We ask all children to wear trainers on this day. Each class will be running the following as a class:

1:05pm Reception - half marathon - 94 laps
1:15pm Year1—half marathon - 94 laps
1:30pm Year 2 - half marathon 94 lap
1:45pm Year 4 - Marathon - 188 laps
2:00pm Year 3 - Marathon - 188 laps
2:15pm Year 5 - Marathon - 188 laps
2:30pm Year 6 - Ultra Marathon 222 laps

We are holding this event to raise funds for our sponsor children in Uganda. We have asked each child to raise a small amount of sponsor money from anyone in their family and bring it in on the day.

Please click here to see our newsletter.


Many thanks and have a lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 15/12/23

Good afternoon,

This morning our amazing Reception performed their nativity for their families. It was wonderful to see the children perform with such confidence as they retold the very first Christmas. I cannot believe they have only been in school for one term. A huge well done to all of the children and staff who work with them. We are very proud of them all.

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Posted 12/12/23

Good afternoon,

A huge well done to the children in Year 1 and Year 2 for their wonderful nativity performances yesterday and today.

The children spoke, sang and acted with great enthusiasm to retell the very first Christmas. They certainly filled our school with joy as we continue our Christmas preparations. I'd also like to thank all of the staff who work so hard with the children to make this possible.

Finally, a huge thank you to all of our families who attended the events. It was very special to have you in school and start the Christmas celebrations with us.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 08/12/23

Good afternoon,

Thank you to everyone for supporting our Christmas Jumper Day today. It was brilliant to see everyone in school looking so festive whilst also supporting a great cause. Alongside the preparations for our nativities and hearing children singing carols, Christmas joy is certainly filling school life at the moment.

This week I have once again been so pleased with children representing the school at sport. Some of our Year 2 children did so well representing the school at athletics on Thursday evening and today it was the turn of Year 5 and 6.

The Year 5/6 athletics team competed superbly this morning at Burscough Sports Centre, winning several events on the day. Overall they finished 6th and we are incredibly proud of their attitudes and talents.

As we enter the final two weeks before the Christmas break, I ask everyone to please check the newsletter for information of up and coming events. Please click below.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 01/12/23

Good afternoon,

As we approach Christmas it is lovely to hear the sound of all the children rehearsing for their Christmas nativities. Every day now carols are echoing in every corner. It is a very special time in school and we are all excited about welcoming our families into school and church to join in with the Christmas celebrations over the coming weeks. This week letters have gone home with details of tickets for Reception and Year 1 and 2 nativities. Children in KS2 will hold their event in Church at 6:00pm on Monday 18th December.

As we finish for the weekend, I would also like to let all of our families know that Mrs Fazakerley will be retiring at Christmas. Mrs Fazakerley has been an integral part of our school community for 27 years, teaching hundreds of children. Her dedication in being a classroom teacher and more recently leading music and French across school, is to be commended. To work in any industry for so long is an incredible achievement and the care and happiness she has brought to the children of our community will always be remembered; she will be greatly missed. In the last week of term, we will be celebrating with Mrs Fazakerley in school as we wish her well on the next step of her journey in life spending more time with her family.

Please click on the link below to see details of all events leading up to the Christmas break!


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend – stay warm!

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Posted 24/11/23

Good afternoon,

Yet again we have had another super week in school.
On Wednesday we had our Ugandan fundraising event. The children all looked amazing in the colours of the Ugandan flag and together, the whole school came together to make a human flag!

A big thank you to all the Year 5 children who led a fantastic toast sale and we all enjoyed having toast at break time!

We also had a wonderful worship led by Chris Turner, the Director of Edukid. Chris talked about Koch Goma Primary School and gave us updates on the children that we sponsor. Chris also gave the children a quiz to test their knowledge of Uganda and we even learnt some Acholi - the native Ugandan language spoken by our sponsor children!
They learnt how to greet someone - itye nining

By raising money for our sponsored children in Uganda we are to enabling them to go to school to have an education. I am incredibly proud of how we our supporting others as a school community.

Thank you so much for all your kind donations. The children raised:

If you would like to find out more please see our website and click the link below:


Next week will see the start of advent and in school we will be preparing for Christmas in many special ways. I look forward to welcoming you all to join us in the up and coming nativities.

Please see our newsletter for further details by clicking below.


Finally, I'd like to wish everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 22/11/23

Good morning

Just a reminder that today we are thinking about our sponsor children in Uganda. Children can come to school dressed in Ugandan colours – Red, Black or Yellow for a donation towards our sponsor children’s education. Without our support the 5 children we sponsor could not go to school.

Please Click on the link below to find out about our sponsor children:


Also, Year 5 children will be selling toast for 30p per slice at break time. Children can bring in additional money if they wish to buy toast too.

In the afternoon we then have the director of Edukid, our charity partner, coming to lead a special assembly to talk to the children about how our support helps and the impact of the work we do.

Thank you for your support.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 20/11/23

Every Child Deserves an Education

Good afternoon,

This Wednesday (22nd November), we are thinking about our sponsor children in Uganda. On this day children can come to school dressed in Ugandan colours – Red, Black or Yellow for a donation towards our sponsor children’s education. Without our support the 5 children we sponsor could not go to school.

Please Click on the link below to find out about our sponsor children:


Also, on this day, Year 5 children will be selling toast for 30p per slice at breaktimes. Children can bring in additional money if they wish to buy toast too.

In the afternoon we then have the director of Edukid, our charity partner, coming to lead a special assembly to talk to the children about how our support helps and the impact of the work we do.

We are also going to have our own Santa dash the week before Christmas to support our sponsor children and we will let you know full details of this event in this week’s newsletter.

Thank you for your support.

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Posted 17/11/23

Good evening,

Once again we were delighted to welcome parents and carers into school for our autumn progress meeting about your children.

We are so proud of all the children and how well they have settled into their new classes this academic year and it was certainly lovely to see so many families attend on the night.
I have enjoyed going into classes and it really is wonderful to see the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the children for their learning experiences throughout the curriculum.

Today we marked Children in Need with our own clothes and wear something spotty day! The children really entered into the spirit of the day and showed compassion, one of our school values, in action. I would like to give my thanks to you all for your very kind donations.
All donations go to this charity that helps improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people around the UK.

The children once again showed the British value of democracy this week, through the elections of the class school council members. We are looking forward to the new school council working together on behalf of their classmates to share their pupil voice and work on projects throughout the year.

Please click on the link below for this week’s newsletter:

I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 13/11/23

Good morning everyone,

Happy Monday! Just a reminder that we are starting Anti-Bullying Week with odds socks day today.

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Posted 10/10/23

Fun at the Discos!

Fun, games and dancing at the disco!
The children have really enjoyed their evening.
A big thank you to the PHA for organising the event so well and supporting school to raise money to provide all the children with further opportunities.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 10/11/23

We Shall Remember Them

In school this week we have been thinking about Remembrance Day. The children have also created displays around school to reflect Remembrance Day.
Today we held a special Remembrance service and school fell silent as we all came together for prayers and to remember the great sacrifices made by many involved in war and conflict.

The act of remembrance is a significant part of our society and every child in school showed great respect for the many people throughout history and today who have given so much. I was incredibly proud to also see children leading part of the worship this morning.

Next week we have a key focus on anti-bullying. This is always something we work on with the children as being kind, caring and a good friend is all part of our school values of compassion, friendship and our current value of trust.

Throughout the week all children will take part in activities in their classes and whole school assemblies. This will start on Monday which is odd socks day. Wearing odd socks signifies the uniqueness and individuality of all of us. This is certainly something to celebrate.

Also, just a reminder that there is a reading and phonics presentation for all year 1 parents on Monday 13th November at 3:30pm and it is parents evening on Wednesday 15th November.

Finally, we held elections for the Head of House this week and everyone in school was very proud with all the Year 6 children who participated in running for this position. After a full democratic process involving every child in school, I wish to congratulate the elected pupils:

Nightingale House: Matthew
Curie House: Ethan 
Attenborough House: Eirian 
Mandela House: Eli

Please click on the link to see our newsletter this week for key updates:


Have a lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *


Posted 10/11/23

Good morning,

Just a reminder that it is our PHA school disco today and children can attend school in their own clothes if they have a ticket to go or for a £1 donation to the PHA if they’re not attending the disco.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 8/11/23

Good evening,

A huge well done to our school football team who tonight played their final round of fixtures in the league.

Tonight they won 2 games and drew 1 game scoring 30 goals and only conceding 4. When these were added to the previous round’s results it meant they finished top of the league overall.

In addition to their excellent football ability, the team also showed superb attitudes and team work in every way and this was also commented on by event organisers! This is something I have the pleasure of seeing every day!

Everyone in school is very proud of them all! Congratulations!

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 3/11/23

Good evening,

It has been a fantastic return to school this week in what is an exciting term for everyone as we lead up to the Christmas period.

The first week has certainly seen many more wonderful experiences for all the children across school. In particular, everyone in school enjoyed learning yoga and how this can help us stay well in an ever busy world.

Also, during our whole school worship, I introduced our new Christian value of Trust; I talked to the children about the importance of trust and what that means. As we lead up to Christmas, this value certainly is one at the forefront of our minds.

Our school advisor made a visit to school this week and he was very impressed with all the children and learning experiences going on at our school. I want to place on record my sincere thanks to the children and staff for having such fantastic attitudes and working so hard every day to enable such a wonderful environment at our school. I especially feel so proud of every single child and how they approach school life. Thank you!

Please click on the link below to view our newsletter. There is important information on here about our up-and-coming parents evening.


Finally, as we approach the 5th November, I ask everyone to stay safe if you and your family are attending firework events.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 2/11/23

Good evening,

Today we finalised our new house system and our children found out their new house within school.

Over the last term the children have gone through a thorough democratic process which fits in with our British value of democracy.

They have discussed our 12 Christian values and decided on the four they wish to lead our houses. They have then researched and discussed iconic figures who have represented and impacted our world in different ways to be the name of each house.

I am really proud of how the School Council led this process and all the children engaged with it. In a special assembly today, the children were informed of the new houses which are:

Attenborough – Respect
Curie – Compassion
Mandela – Perseverance
Nightingale – Friendship

The children from Reception to year 6 have been told of their new house today. They children can gain awards for their house and each week there will be a winning house and a termly one as well.

Over the coming term, we will be sending you more information about the house system the children are in and the events the children will participate in within this system.

Thank you.

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Posted 19/10/23


Good afternoon,

Today we celebrated our Gold Sports Award as a school. P.E, sport and being active are important aspects of school for all children and this award reflects the level at which our children participate in many different ways.

Being active is so important in life to help our physical and mental well being and I am very proud of how well the children engage right across school.

From quality P.E lessons, to active breaks and competitions, all children play a part in these elements of school life.

We are also really proud that we have children who lead sport across school and the two members of our Sports Council attended a presentation at Ormskirk Cricket Club on Monday to receive our award. The award was presented by Oliver Partington, a professional rugby league player for Salford who was once a pupil in West Lancashire.

Seb and Lucia from Year 5 received the award and represented the school superbly at the presentation.

*    *    *    *    *

A huge congratulations to all the children in school for being so active and engaging with sport and P.E so well.

Posted 13/10/23

Good evening,

After our wonderful visit from The Pearl of Africa Choir last week, we held a special assembly for the children to remind them about the children they make a difference to in Uganda.

As a school we are so thankful for the support from our children and our families. Your help enables 5 children in Gulu, Uganda to attend Koch Goma Primary School. In Uganda going to school is not something that all children can do as it costs money to go to school. Some families cannot afford to send their children to school and the children have to stay at home and work the land to support their families.
We will keep you posted on our up and coming fundraising events.

To find more out about this project, please click on the following link:


To learn all about the children we sponsor, please click on the link below:


As we prepare for our final week of this term I ask all families to click on the link below to keep updated on school life:


Please remember the children will finish for half term on Thursday 19th October at the usual time of 3:30pm.

I'd like to wish everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 09/10/23

Good afternoon,

Tomorrow (10th October) is World Mental Day. We always talk to the children about looking after our mental health and everyone is invited to wear a green accessory (E.g hats, socks ribbons, badges, hair accessories or scarves) tomorrow.

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Posted 06/10/23

Good afternoon,

It really has been the best end to the school week and start to the weekend.

Following our harvest service yesterday, today we were joined by the Pearl of Africa Choir from Uganda. Uganda is such a special country to our school community as we learn about the country in our curriculum and we also sponsor children to attend Koch Goma School. Education in Uganda is not free to all children and without support many children may not be able to have an education otherwise.
Having the Pearl of Africa Choir attend our school today, bringing such joy through song, music and dance, has been the perfect start to the weekend. All of the children across school have really enjoyed the opportunities to learn from the choir and take part in singing, dancing, drumming and talk to the children from the choir about life in Uganda. It was also lovely to see the children playing together at lunchtime and I think some children would have liked the lunchtime football match to last all afternoon.

In this special time of harvest, I want to thank everyone who has supported us in so many ways these last few days. Through our Macmillan coffee morning and cake sale, to our foodbank donations during the harvest service and welcoming and supporting the Pearl of Africa Choir; we have once again shown what a special school family we are. I feel very blessed and grateful to be a part of this.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 05/10/23

Good afternoon,

A huge thank you to everyone for the generous donations towards the foodbank, to all those who were able to join us this morning for our harvest service and to all the staff and children for preparing this; it was wonderful to see so many people attend.

We are also so grateful for all the cake donations for our Macmillan coffee morning and for people who came along. We still have some cakes left and these will be sold tomorrow at the front of school at 3:30pm for anyone to purchase. The side gate will be left open so anyone collecting at the back of school can walk around should they wish to.

Please remember The Pearl of Africa Choir are visiting school tomorrow. To support raising money for the children in Uganda, we invite the children to come into school wearing the Ugandan colours of black, yellow and red (no football kits please), for a donation.

Finally, our PHA are holding a meeting on Monday 9th October at 7:00pm to discuss fundraising events for the year. We invite anyone who may be interested in becoming involved in supporting the school in this way for a coffee and to find out more.
As well as for fundraising, our PHA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal and having some fun along the way.

We would really love to grow our PHA, as without your support, we cannot provide the children with some of the amazing experiences that we have been able to do so far.

If you would like to be more involved you can volunteer to be a Class Representative or you can simply support the PHA and give us your ideas for fundraising events.

To find out more please visit the PHA area of our school website:


We would really love to see you at the meeting on Monday 9th October at 7:00pm and support us in our endeavour to create more exciting opportunities for our children in school.

Thank you

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Posted 04/10/23

Good afternoon,

Tomorrow is our Harvest Service at church and it has been fantastic to hear the children's enthusiasm resounding around the school as the children have been practising their songs over the last two weeks.

The Harvest Service is being held tomorrow (Thursday 5th October) at 9:15am in Church.

Parents, carers and families are warmly invited to attend the service.

Families wishing to attend should go directly to church in time for the service, once they have dropped children off at school.

We would also appreciate donations of non-perishable food for children to offer at the service which will be donated to Ormskirk food bank. Any donations can be brought to school on the day.

Our Harvest Service will be followed by our Macmillan Coffee Morning in school. Everyone is invited to join us back at school for this event.

We would very much appreciate donations of cakes for our coffee morning which is a very good cause that our school supports every year. Children can still bring any cake donations into school tomorrow morning.
I look forward to seeing many of you who are able to attend tomorrow.

Thank you.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 29/09/23

Good evening,

The children have been getting ready for our Harvest Service and they are in fine voice! It has been fantastic to hear their enthusiasm resounding around the school as the children have been practising their songs. The Harvest Service is being held on Thursday 5th October at 9:15am in Church.
Parents, carers and families are warmly invited to attend the service.

Families wishing to attend should go directly to church in time for the service, once they have dropped children off at school.

We would also appreciate donations of non-perishable food for children to offer at the service which will be donated to Ormskirk food bank. Any donations can be brought to school on the day.

Our Harvest Service will be followed by our Macmillan Coffee Morning in school. Everyone is invited to join us back at school for this event.

We would very much appreciate donations of cakes for our coffee morning which is a very good cause that our school supports every year. Children can bring any cake donations into school on Wednesday or Thursday morning.

On Friday we are really excited to be joined by The Pearl of Africa Choir from Uganda. The day will begin with the children from The Pearl of Africa Choir leading the whole school in worship and then they will be working with each class and running a range of fantastic sessions with our children. The children may be involved in drumming, dancing and singing workshops.
Alongside these events, the children will also be selling craft items that the children may like to buy.

To support raising money for the children in Uganda, we invite the children to come into school wearing the Ugandan colours of black, yellow and red (no football kits please), for a donation. The money raised will enable the children from Uganda to go to school and gain an education. Our donations will make a difference now to the lives of the children and their future.

The Pearl of Africa Choir are also holding a fundraising concert at 6pm at Christ Church Ministry Centre on Friday 6th October as part of their UK tour. All money raised goes towards helping children in Southern Uganda to access education.
Tickets for the concert are now available from the school office!

Tickets are £2.50 per child and £5 per adult on a first come, first serve basis. Tickets can be purchased directly from the school office or by sending cash into school in a sealed envelope (tickets will be returned in the envelope provided).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please click on the link below to see our newsletter.


Thank you for your support.

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Posted 22/09/23

Good evening,

As we finish another week in school I would like to say how fantastic it was to see many of our families at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening this week. Thank you so much for your support and please do get in touch with any questions.

This week we enjoyed a visit and special assembly from the Pearl of Africa Choir organiser. This is because on the 6th October the Pearl of Africa choir from Uganda will be visiting our school. We have enjoyed visits from the Pearl of Africa Choir before but due the pandemic this will be their first visit in 4 years. The choir tour the UK performing to raise awareness and funds to support children in Uganda with education and welfare needs.

During the day, all children in school will enjoy a special assembly and performance from the choir and also enjoy workshops on dance, drumming and dancing. In addition, the children will be able to talk to the choir about life in Uganda which is an amazing opportunity.
Following school, there will then be an evening performance from 6:00 pm – 8:00pm in the Ministry Centre. Tickets for this can be purchased and will be £5 per adult and £2.50 per child should you wish to attend and support the work of the choir. Details of how to purchase tickets will be released next week.
Next week we are looking forward to welcoming Tempest photography to take the children's school photographs. The photographer will be visiting school on Monday 25th for individual photographs, sibling groups and the Y4 class photograph and on Tuesday 26th for class photographs.
Also, a date for your diaries is our school harvest service on Thursday 5th October. The service will be held in church at 9:15am.
Finally, I’d like to wish everyone a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing all the children on Monday morning.
Please find below a link to this week’s newsletter which contains details of our up and coming events:


Have a lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 15/09/23

Good afternoon,

After another good week in school, all the children have settled really well into their new classes. In particular, I’ve enjoyed exploring the value of thankfulness with the children and discussing what we have to be thankful for. I'd like to start the weekend by thanking all of our families and staff for making our school such a wonderful place to be!

As we move into the new school year I’d like to inform everyone about a change to our school house system. Previously, children in KS2 have been placed into Beech, Ash, Elm or Oak. This year we are changing this system.

This week, the staff and children have been talking about a new house system in school that all children will be a part of. We are choosing one of our Christian values to lead a house and then choosing an inspirational figure who reflects that quality to be the name and inspiration of the new house. The children are currently discussing this in their classes and next week we will decide the new names and values of our houses and all children will find out which house they belong.

Our school house system is important as it helps us to reward the children for things they are doing through house points and supports competition on sports days and at other events. It also helps develop a further sense of belonging. In the past, children entered a house in KS2. From next week, every child in school from Reception to Year 6 will be placed into a house. I look forward to keeping you updated.

Please click on the links below to see our newsletter and diary dates from this term:


Diary dates:

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mr Kennedy

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Posted 08/09/23

Good evening,

First of all, I’d like to say what a wonderful week it has been in school. The children have been amazing in every aspect of the school day from coming into school prepared, brilliant lunch times and fantastic learning in their lessons. Seeing so many smiles and talking to the children around school each day is really wonderful. I am so proud of all the children, but especially all the new children in Reception who have taken their first step in their school journey. This half term our school value is thankfulness and I certainly feel very thankful to be in school with all of the children once again!

In worship we are exploring our value of thankfulness together. In particular this week, we have been thinking about being thankful and counting our blessings. I encourage you to talk to your children about this term’s value at home and explore the things that you are all thankful for as a family.

The coming weeks will give the opportunity for everyone to come and meet your child's new class teacher. The dates and times are as follows:

Wednesday 13th September
3:45 pm - Y ear 6 - Mr Swift

Wednesday 20th September
4:00 pm – Year 1 – Miss Daw
4:30 pm – Year 2 – Miss Simmons
5:00 pm – Year 3 – Mrs Chapple
5:30 pm – Year 4 – Mrs Nolan
6:00 pm – Year 5 – Mrs Frackelton

Reception parents will have separate meetings with Miss Geeson which she is currently arranging.

I hope that you all have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine,

Mr Kennedy

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Posted 05/09/23

Good morning,

It was wonderful to see everyone back yesterday for the start of another school year. All the children returned superbly to school and everyone in school is certainly excited about the year ahead.

It is also lovely to come back in warm weather. Please ensure children have caps in school and suntan lotion and also ensure they have their water bottle this week. We will be ensuring there are plenty of opportunities to have a drink.

Thank you

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 07/07/23

Good evening,

As we get close to the end of the school year, school life continues to be incredibly busy and exciting.

This week saw our KS2 children compete in their sports day as Ash took the overall trophy. It was a great day of sport and and all the children competed superbly showing a fantastic attitude.

Another highlight of the week saw children in Year 4 hold their adventure walk and camp at Waddecar as they explored the catchment area of the River Brock and investigated the river itself.

The camp also included a wonderful campfire and team activities as the children shone in every way. Everyone is so proud of them for the achievements and I'd like to say a huge thank you to the staff who make these experiences possible, the parents for their support and the children themselves. At our school we certainly like to have adventures!

Finally, you will be aware the staff at school are abseiling from Liverpool Cathedral this weekend (weather permitting). The staff at school would like to say a HUGE thankyou for sponsoring our abseil for Edukid tomorrow. We are very grateful for each and every donation. Thank you!

The first two of our team will be taking the plunge at 5:30pm. This will then continue, two by two, until 6:10pm.

I'd like to wish everyone a lovely weekend. 

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 30/06/23

Good evening,

This week has seen many great things going on again in school but I want to especially say a huge well done and thank you to all of our Year 6 children who showed amazing attitudes during their week long residential at Tower Wood. They represented our school superbly!

Throughout the week, they had some fantastic adventures and experiences showing what brilliant young people they are and we couldn't be prouder of them! The children all overcame different challenges, showing care towards others and demonstrated skills, ability and talent in so many different ways.

From climbing water falls and jumping in plunge pools to exploring caves, the fells and Windermere and performing around the campfire they've really shown a sense of adventure, friendship, courage and perseverance! As they prepare to move on it has been a privilege for all the staff in school to be a part of their journey!

A massive thankyou to all all the staff who make these experiences possible, the families who support everything we do and of course the children themselves - for just being who they are!

Please click on the link to see our news letter.


Have a lovely weekend!

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Posted 23/06/23

Great win for Lancashire! We are now on the coach heading home and will be at school for approximately 11:30pm.

All the children have been brilliant and have had a wonderful night watching Lancashire win!

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Posted 16/06/23

Good evening,

All the children across school have been working really hard this week once again, particularly Year 1 who have been carrying out phonics assessments and Year 4 who have been completing their multiplication checks. We are incredibly proud of the children in Year 1 and Year 4 who really have focussed so well and shown great ability and attitude to learning.

Sport has also been at the forefront of school life again this week. On Monday our two sports councillors lead some of our Year 2 children at a sports festival at Burscough Sports Centre. Despite the heat, the children all participated brilliantly.

On Thursday a group of children in Years 3 and 4 represented school in the Quad Kids event at Edge Hill showing fantastic sporting attitude and ability. A big thank you to all the staff who went to these events to support the children and the children for doing so well. Overall we finished an excellent 6th and Rebekah in Y4 was awarded a silver medal for finishing 2nd out of all the girls who competed.

It is one week since our amazing summer fair and I cannot thank everyone enough for the tremendous support we received. Altogether we raised a fantastic £2,301.75 which will go directly to support the development of the back of school to benefit all children.

Finally, yesterday our Year 6 children attended a leavers’ service at Liverpool Cathedral as they enter their final few weeks at our school. We were incredibly proud of the children who participated in the service of reflection as they prepare to take their next step.

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

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Posted 09/06/23

Good morning,

Today is our summer fair and I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has made this event possible, particular our PHA and everyone who has so generously sent in contributions. It is an incredibly busy time of year for everyone and is it remarkable to think we have been able to put this event on and have a lovely evening together in the sun.

Due to the many events and ongoing statutory assessments in school at the moment, it has not been possible for us to prepare class songs this year. Instead, our amazing Performing Arts Club will be giving a snap shot of their fantastic production Matilda, which is being performed at the end of the summer term.

I look forward to seeing everyone later today as we start the weekend as a school community. All funds raised this evening will be going directly towards the grounds development of our outdoor library at the back of school and EYFS area. I released details of these a few weeks ago and these again can be accessed by clicking on the link below. These projects will benefit all children in school:


The entrance to the event will be much quicker this year as many people have pre-paid. There is also the option to pay on the gate and all raffles and activities will be available once inside.

Thank you all for your tremendous support for our school!

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Posted 08/06/23

Good afternoon,

I'm really proud of our cricket team today! They went to play in a tournament this morning at Burscough Cricket Club against 7 other schools.

The children showed fantastic skill and attitude throughout the 4 games they played.

In their group they won their first two games and then lost by just 6 runs in an exciting final group game to finish in second place on runs scored.

They they went on to win their last game against the other second placed school and therefore finished 3rd overall. A huge well done to them all for representing the school so well and showing great attitudes at all times.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 26/05/23

Good afternoon,

This week, it has been very busy and full of enterprise! The children have been learning about money, profit and advertising. The theme for our enterprise week has been King Charles the III Coronation and continued our celebrations of this historical event this term.

The children have been working in teams to make lots of different items to sell and the money raised will be going to support the children that we sponsor in Uganda in order to help them to be able to attend school.

A big thank you to all the parents and families who could attend the market this afternoon and join in our fundraising. It was fantastic to be able to invite you in for this special event.

Also, this week it was a delight to see the local schools of Aughton St Michael’s, Bickerstaff C of E Primary School and Westhead come together to share in and lead worship across the three schools. Our Worship Warriors led our school worship in Bickerstaff C of E Primary School. They told the story of Pentecost, using example of an apple to represent the Trinity. I would like to say a big thank you to them all for leading worship so well.

Please click on the link below to see this week's newsletter:


Finally I'd like to sincerely thank all of our children, staff and families for helping to make the last half term so exciting and look forward to another fun packed term ahead.

I hope that you all have a wonderful, relaxing half term and I look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 6th June.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 23/05/23

Good afternoon,

As we continue to develop our grounds for the children to enjoy, we are delighted by the new play markings on our EYFS and KS1 playground.

We opened the playground for the children today who really enjoyed the new play opportunities the markings provide.

We are now installing a new KS1 and KS2 picnic area for the children to use and look forward to continuing to develop the grounds for the children over the coming term.

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Posted 19/05/23

Good evening,

This week we are so proud of our Year 2 children who have worked so hard taking their Year 2 assessments. They have shown amazing attitudes all year and continued to shine throughout the week in English and Maths.

Although we always know that this work is only one small part of each child it is really pleasing to see them apply themselves so well with such wonderful attitudes. I spoke to them all today sharing that everyone in school is very proud of them. I want to also add my thanks to all the staff who work tremendously hard with the children each day and to our families who support us all in ensuring the very best for the children at school. They are a fantastic class and are certainly ready for the transition to KS2.

On Thursday Year 5 had their first kayaking experience at Crosby Marina. They thoroughly enjoyed their morning and are looking forward to their next session as they take the first step to becoming kayak proficient.

I have also had a fabulous time with Year 3 walking from Parbold to Rock and River in Mawdsley and then camping. They followed maps and used their knowledge of map reading to help them navigate their way to the campsite where they pitched their own tents, had a meal together, night walk and campfire!

The outdoor experiences we share with the children across school reflect the fantastic ethos we have at school to support child development. These amazing opportunities really consider the whole child and I would like to thank all the staff who make these opportunities and life experiences possible. I always believe that supporting children to learn and grow in the outdoors is an important part of childhood and I feel very proud that at our school we can ensure the children have these opportunities. Alongside the amazing children, I’d like to thank the staff who work so hard to make these experiences possible.

Finally, we are sorry to be saying goodbye to Mrs Kewley today as she is moving on in her career and starting a new job next week. I would like to thank her for all her contributions to our school community over the last 9 months and on behalf of everyone at our school I would like to wish her every success in the next stage of her journey.

Due to a busy end of week, our newsletter will be published early next week. I would like to draw your attention to our summer fair on Friday 9th June. This is always a highlight of our year and we will be sending out lots information about this over the coming week.
To start with we will be asking for children to donate an item for our usual box raffle next week.
If you wish to support this we ask each child to bring an item for a gift to go in their class raffle box for the summer fair.

Examples of gifts given previously include: small toys, bubble bath, sweets, chocolates, toiletries. These boxes will then be raffled off as prizes.

The colour for each class is:
Reception – yellow
Year 1 – green
Year 2 – purple
Year 3 – red
Year 4 – pink
Year 5 – white
Year 6 – blue

I hope the nice weather continues and you have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 12/05/23

Good evening,

This week, we are so proud of our Year 6 children who have shown unswerving commitment, great attitudes and hard work taking their SATs. On behalf of all the staff in school I want to say how proud we all are of them for being so positive in approaching this week in the best possible way.

I spoke to all the children about how the assessments this week are only one aspect of who they are. Every day we get to celebrate their many talents from dance, music, art and sport to general knowledge, outside interests, amazing acts of kindness and humour.

We really know each child so well they demonstrate so many amazing attributes that make them the wonderful individuals that they are. In particular, all the staff see their care, compassion, determination, courage every day.

We also want to say a huge thank you to all the children across school this week who have supported the Year 6 so well by maintaining a calm learning environment for them.

Finally I want to add my thanks to all the staff who work tremendously hard with the children each day and to our families who support us all in ensuring the very best for the children at school.

Please click on the link below to access the school newsletter:


I hope that you have a lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *


Posted 28/04/23

Good afternoon,

Once again this week, it has been lovely to celebrate the children's achievements across school.

This week we have been able to celebrate the children's enthusiasm and understanding of science through the science is all around us competition. I would like to add my congratulations to every child who entered and showed such ingenuity when capturing science around our world.

One of the highlights of the week was to take 45 of our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children to the district cross country event on Wednesday. The children all showed amazing attitudes, camaraderie and participated really well, showing excellent drive and determination to do their best and together, the children achieved excellent results!

On the night we had some individual medal winners with Rebekah  finishing 1st in the Year 3/4 girls’ race, Ivor  finishing 3rd in the Year 3/4 boys’ race and Zachary finished 3rd in the Year 5/6 boys’ race.

There was also a team event on the night and the first four from every school to finish were awarded points. The first four boys over the line in the Year 5/6 boys’ event were all in the top 12. They were crowned District Champions. The first four girls in Year four also managed higher positions than any other school and were also District Champions.

As well as being delighted at these awards and the amazing running to achieve them, I was equally delighted by the attitude of all children.

Our value this term is friendship and we are discussing how supporting and encouraging one another is important. Mo Farah is such an iconic runner and I listened with interest last Sunday as the former Olympic and World champion said without the support and encouragement of others he would have struggled to finished the marathon. I shared this message with all the children during worship on Monday morning.

This value was certainly reflected by all the children who took part in the cross-country event as they really did encourage each other, cheering from the side lines as they celebrated every child's personal achievement.

“Encourage one another and build each other up”
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Please click on the link below to see this week's newsletter:


I hope that you all enjoy the long weekend and I look forward to seeing the children return on Tuesday 2nd May.

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Posted 26/04/23

Good afternoon,

This afternoon is the District Cross Country Event for KS2 children. For all those children attending the event, I would like to remind parents that we have been advised it is best park in the retail park opposite Abbey Lane Playing Fields.

From past experience, it can get busy before and after the event so for safety reasons please take your time when arriving and leaving.

We have 45 children attending tonight which is fantastic. There will be a year 3/4 girls' race, a year 3/4 boys' race and then a year 5/6 girls' race and year 5/6 boys' race.

At the end of the races there will be awards given out to individual runners who finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd and also team awards.

Following these awards, we wish to ensure all children leave safely and with the correct adult. We therefore ask for support from parents by waiting until we release your child to you. All our children will remain seated until a member of staff asks them to go to you and we can tick them as being handed over on our registers. We hope this will take no longer than 5 minutes following the event.

Thank you for your support!

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Posted 21/04/23

Good afternoon and welcome to our summer term!

It has been fantastic to see all of our children return to school this week at the start of probably the busiest time of year for everyone.

In particular this week, I have been delighted by the children who represented the school at sport. On Wednesday, our football team participated in the Liverpool Cup. They played exceptionally well and won 4, drew 1 and lost 1 on the day. Overall, they missed out on getting to the final by just 1 goal on goal difference and therefore finished 3rd out of 16 teams in West Lancashire.

Today we also had a team of Year 6 children represent the school at tag rugby and dodgeball at an event in Burscough. The children competed really well at this event and as well as showing great ability, their exceptional attitudes to compete in the right way shone through.

I was also really pleased to see our youngest children in school taking part in balance bike activities as Reception had special lessons this week. I’m looking forward to seeing their skills develop over the term ahead.
The sporting theme to the week has certainly set the tone for an active summer term.

On our newsletter there are details of our 4 residential trips away this term. Year 5 are off to Newby Wiske Hall for 3 days and will also undertake a 5 week kayaking course at Crosby Marina, Year 3 will have an adventure walk and camp at Rock and River, Year 6 will spend a whole week in the Lake District and Year 4 are undertaking an exciting expedition and camp in the Forest of Bowland.

I am absolutely delighted that our school is able to take 120 children on different outdoor experiences to engage with the world around them and be active in an adventurous way. At our school we have a real ethos of engaging with the outdoors to support child development and these experiences will really enhance the children’s learning and experiences over the summer term. I firmly believe that connecting with the outdoors is also another way to support our mental and emotional health, something we all place great importance on in a very busy world. I know all the children are excited about the up and coming opportunities and all the staff are too.

Seeing the science photos that have been sent in has also been a highlight and I know that Mr Swift is really excited to announce the winners in the next week.

Year 3 have also enjoyed having a change of musical instrument as 30 djembe drums came into school and they all started drumming lessons in class this afternoon.

At the end of this busy week, I really couldn’t be prouder of our amazing children and everything I see each day. Along with some school Governors, I have been talking to the children lots about learning and school life throughout the week. Being in school every day is a real joy and privilege and our value of friendship is absolutely appropriate as we start the summer term. I am certainly looking forward to everything the next few months holds for everyone in school.

Finally, we are also excited about changes to our school environment over the summer. We have already had new play equipment installed this year and this week we unveiled our new garden area developed by the school council. Over the coming weeks I will be sharing plans with all our families about certain areas of school undergoing development which will make the environment even better for all of the children.

Please click on the links below to see our newsletter and diary dates:



Diary Dates:


Have a great weekend.

                                                                                           *   *   *   *   *


Posted 31/03/23

Good afternoon,

his week has been a wonderful last week of term.

Last night, many of us enjoyed a fun night at the Easter Bingo as we danced the evening away. We managed to raise a magnificent £537.

All the classes have all enjoyed visiting church to learn about the Easter story with Sarah and Jackie and the children have reflected on this in class and through a special Easter worship today.

Our worship was led by our WOW group who presented an Easter Story poem and our choir sang a special “Easter halleluiah”. We also unveiled a mosaic cross created by Year 4 and a beautiful tapestry of our school which represents our Christian values. Both of these art works have been created by the children and we look forward to hanging them in our main entrance after the Easter holiday.

Today it was sad to say goodbye to two amazing staff members. Mrs Evans and Mrs Rogers have been working in Year 1 and left our school today. I would like to thank them both for their immense contributions to our school community over the last 18 months and on behalf of everyone at our school, wish them well on the next stage of their journey.

Finally, I’d like to take this chance to thank all of our families for the incredible support you have given to our school community this term. I also wish to once again thank our incredible children for lighting up our school every day and thank all the staff for creating the wonderful learning opportunities for them.

On behalf of everyone at Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School, I would like to wish you a very Happy Easter.

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Posted 30/03/23

Good evening,

We are all having a great night at the Easter Bingo. Great music, great prizes, great dancing and great company. A huge thank you to our PHA for organising this great event, a super way to end the term.

A massive thank you to everyone for donating prizes and to everyone who came on the night!

Thank you all so much!

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Posted 24/03/23

Good afternoon,

This week has been lovely as we have celebrated the importance of modern foreign languages. In our school all the children learn French and Mrs Fazakerley led the school in some brilliant French experiences.

Following a special French assembly on Monday all the children took part in special activities in their classrooms throughout the week.

On Wednesday all the children in KS2 enjoyed visiting a French cafe and Year 4 worked incredibly well to serve and entertain everyone. A special thanks to Beau for playing the violin whilst children enjoyed their cafe experience.

The amazing Eiffel Towers created by the children were judged and the were winners announced by Mrs Fazakerley during a special assembly. I was so impressed by the creativity of the children.

The week was completed with a French/English play to share French language with the children in an entertaining way.

Please click on the link below to see our newsletter.


Bonne fin de semaine!

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Posted 17/03/23

Good evening,

It was lovely to welcome parents into school this week to celebrate the children's achievements and progress. I have the privilege of walking through the classrooms every day and seeing all the amazing learning that all the children do with such fantastic attitudes. The vibrant classrooms really celebrate and reflect the children's accomplishments and I really hope that you enjoyed the opportunity to come into school to see this. I certainly enjoyed the chance to speak with lots of parents on the evening and see the children's work around school. I'd like to thank our wonderful children and staff for the incredible work they do every day to make our school such a special place to be and ensure these events are so lovely to attend.

Thank you for all the kind donations brought into school today for Comic Relief. Your donation can help people who are facing the toughest times of their lives, here in the UK and around the world.

Next week we are looking forward to celebrating French learning in school. Modern foreign languages are an important part of our school curriculum. Children learn French across school and French Week will begin on Monday 20th March with a special assembly led by Mrs Fazakerley. Activities during the week will be held to celebrate French language and culture.

On Wednesday 22nd March, children are invited to attend school wearing clothes to represent France such as; colours of the French flag, and French football kits. Children will be will be participating in a French activity afternoon including visiting a French café in school. We are also very excited that on Thursday 23rd March, the children in KS2 will get to watch a live French/English play ‘Parlez- vous Français?’.

We would also like to invite children to create their own model of the Eiffel Tower, using any materials that are available to them. These models should be brought into school on Monday 20th March and they will be displayed in school, with a small prize for the most imaginative!

Finally, today I was so proud of some of our Year 5 and 6 children who represented our school so well at another district sporting event. They showed fantastic attitudes in competing and as always were praised by the event organisers for how well they conducted themselves.

Please click on the link below to see this week's newsletter:


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 10/03/23

Good afternoon everyone,

It has been another great week in school which had a great finish today with some fantastic snow creations this morning. The children loved playing in the snow and as always did so with great attitudes.

Please click on the link below to see our newsletter for this week.


Have a great weekend!

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Posted 10/03/23

Good morning everyone,

Please take care travelling to school this morning.

Children should come in footwear suitable for snow e.g wellington boots/walking boots and bring school shoes with them in a bag to change into when in the building.

All children will be allowed to play in the snow today so please make sure they have coats, gloves and hats.

I look forward to seeing everyone soon.

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Posted 03/03/23

Good afternoon,

It has been wonderful this week to see the children being so enthusiastic about reading. I have been so impressed by all the peg book characters that the children have brought in and shared with their classes. We are making a whole school display of all the entries and it has been fantastic to see such a wide range of texts reflected in the children's peg characters.

On World Book Day, the staff brought in their favourite books and shared them with the whole school. Reading is such an amazing gift that we have all had the pleasure to celebrate and share in this week. From the youngest children in school starting their reading journey through phonic and picture books to the oldest children in school who are reading novels; reading, in the words of Mary Pope Osborne, author of The Magic Tree House series, "...is a passport to countless adventures." This week it has been lovely to share in these many adventures hearing about the children’s favourite stories.

The children all looked fantastic in their costumes and it was lovely to walk around school and see the excitement and enthusiasm about reading. Thank you to all of our families for the huge support you show with your children and reading.

We were also so proud of our swimming team who performed unbelievably at the swimming gala yesterday. They showed great attitudes in every aspect of the events and represented our school brilliantly.

Today our School Council visited Ormskirk Council Chambers and had the opportunity to meet the Mayor and discuss many things including environmental issues. The work of our school council really highlights the importance we place on the British Value of democracy in our school and the children have really enjoyed their purposeful role in our school development this year.

Please click on the link below for this week's newsletter:


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 24/02/23

Good evening,

What a lovely welcome I received on Monday morning when the whole school gathered for worship. It was good to see all the children once again after half term and hear their enthusiastic voices as they wished me good morning.

This new term’s focus is the value of forgiveness. The children have been learning what it means to forgive and to think about how they can apply this value to their everyday lives.

This week we were also excited to allow the children in KS1 onto the new play equipment. They all seem to be enjoying this new addition to their playground and it has been fantastic to see them develop in their agility and core strength.

We also really enjoyed the opportunity to hold a zoom meeting with Koch Goma Primary School in Uganda. The KS2 school council and Worship Warriors led the meeting excellently and it was fantastic to hear about the children and their school life.

Next week will see an exciting focus on reading which we are all looking forward to.

Please click on the link below to see this week’s newsletter:


Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 23/02/23

The dance floor rocked to the sound of music and dancing as the children enjoyed our school discos.
A huge thank you to all the PHA and volunteers who have organised and supported this event. Not only has it created a lovely evening for our children but it has also supported all the children in school by raising funds for projects which enhance school for everyone.

Have a lovely evening.

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Posted 23/02/23

Good morning everyone,

Just a reminder that after school today it is our PHA Fundraising Disco and non-inform day in school. This event is to raise funds for school projects which support all of the children.

Tickets for the disco include the non-uniform donation and a goody bag including snacks and a drink. For any children not attending the disco, they can also attend school in their own clothes for a £1 donation.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing some great dancing later today.

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Posted 10/02/23

Good afternoon,

This week the installation of the Junior play equipment has been completed. The children were so excited and thoroughly enjoyed experiencing adventurous play as we opened the area for them! The Year 6 children were given the privilege of being the first class to play on the equipment as they opened it at lunch time today. Years 3, 4 and 5 then enjoyed their opportunity to play on the equipment later in the afternoon.

The installation of the equipment on the infant playground has nearly been completed and will be ready for the children after half term. Please do not let your children onto the equipment before and after school, it is out of use at these times.

This week the children have been learning about their mental health and ways to support healthy minds. I know we all understand the value and importance of looking after this aspect of ourselves and I was delighted to see how well the children understood this important issue.

They have also been learning about staying safe online, which also links to their mental health. After talking with the children, it became apparent that some children are accessing apps, websites, social media, games which are not age appropriate and sometimes leave the children in a very vulnerable situation. We would like to remind parents that all apps and games generally have an age-appropriate certification. These age restrictions are in place to keep children safe. Most social media platforms (e.g. TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram) state their age rating as 13+.

Another focus we had in school was the use of chat apps. Chat apps allow the user to send messages, photos, videos and documents, as well as creating large group chats. Some apps allow users to message people they don’t know, so your child could receive messages from people they don’t know - most apps have settings to allow this to be changed so that they only receive messages from people they know. With your child, make sure these settings are in place and show them how to reject requests from people they don’t know. Even with friends, your child might see something that upsets them. Explore each app to see if there are reporting and blocking features. Show your child how to use these features and talk about situations when they might want to report or block.

The safety of the children in our school is paramount to us and it is only by working as a community together that we can ensure their safety online and help the children become responsible citizens.

I would also like to remind parents that wearable devices are not allowed in school, such as smart watches and Fitbits. This is because they are a safeguarding risk and also a distraction that may interrupt learning. If children do bring these devices into school, they will be removed and parents will be notified. I really do value your support in this matter.

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the children for another fantastic term in school which has really seen so many wonderful things going on! Today it was lovely to see everyone come in their own clothes to support the people of Turkey and Syria who have been impacted by the devastating earthquake. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who has been affected by these events. Together we raised an amazing £613.77 which will go directly to support those in need. Thank you so much.

Please note our website is currently down and our technical team are working to resolve issues so this week's newsletter was posted on the previous message.

I hope you all have a wonderful, safe and healthy half term break and I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 20th February and hearing about half term adventures!

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Posted 10/02/23

Good afternoon,

Please note our website is currently down and our technical team are working to resolve issues so this week's newsletter is attached to this message.

Thank you

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 09/02/23

Good afternoon,

At school we have been incredibly touched by the sad events that have unfolded in Turkey and Syria this week.

Tomorrow, we are holding a non-uniform day and asking children to bring in a donation into school to go directly to support the many people impacted by the earthquake.

Children in Reception are asked to please still come in their clothes for ‘want they want to be when they grow up day’.

Year 4 should also still wear their outdoor learning clothes.

Thank you for your support.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 03/02/23

Good afternoon,

This week in school we have been excited to continue to watch the installation of the new climbing equipment, the junior installation is almost complete! Next week the installation will begin on the infant area.
We are looking forward to the children being able to use the equipment and hope that it will help further build strength, coordination and agility.

Today a group of children from Y2 took part in a fundamental movement skills event.
We were so proud of the children who showed fantastic attitudes, perseverance and teamwork during their activities.

Next week our key focus is mental health and well-being. This continues to be an essential aspect of school for all children. It is my belief that in order to be successful in anything we do in life we need to have physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. In our school we are always striving to support and educate children around this and next week we will be holding events and initiatives. The theme this year is ‘Let’s Connect’.

On Monday 6th February, children are invited to attend school wearing a green accessory with their school uniform to promote awareness of this crucial aspect of life.

Online safety is a also an essential aspect of our curriculum and children's wellbeing. Tuesday 7th February is Online Safety Day and we will be working with the children about how to stay safe online.

Please click on the link below for this week’s newsletter:


I hope you have a good weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 27/01/23

Good afternoon,

This week we have been so excited to see the beginning of the new play equipment installation.

We are all watching with interest and anticipation of what we are hoping will be a fantastic addition to our school grounds. The climbing equipment will give the children further opportunities to develop strength, balance and agility. This along with our running track will really support the children's physical and mental health and well-being.

Over the last few weeks, we have had a number of prospective parents visit our school. It has been a delight to hear the positive comments about our school and the children. We are always so proud of the children, the work that they produce each day and their care and excellent attitudes to learning.

Please click on the link below to read this week's newsletter:


I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 25/01/23

Good afternoon everyone,

Please click on the link below to read our school update regarding the planned national industrial action in the education sector.


Also, our climbing equipment installation has started today. Everyone is very excited, especially the children.

Over the next few days the ground will be prepared and the climbing equipment will be be installed over the coming 2 weeks. I will keep you updated on when the equipment is ready for the children to use.

Have a lovely afternoon.

*   *   *   *   *


Posted 20/01/23

Good afternoon,

This week the children have loved experiencing our first snow of 2023! Although only a smattering, the children enjoyed making snow creations!

A group of children in Year 6 represented our school so well this week in a local school's bench ball event. The children's determination and positive approach shone and it was lovely to hear that this was commended by the external staff who ran the event.

A big thank you to Mrs Frackelton and Mrs Brewer for going with the children to this event, without staff support, these events would not be possible.

This week Reception class have had a number of parent visitors to talk about their occupations and it has been wonderful for the children to learn about the working world. A huge thank you to all the parents who are coming in to talk to the children and provide these valuable experiences.

On Sunday it is the start of Chinese New Year, it is the year of the rabbit. For all who celebrate this event, I would like to say Happy New Year or Kung Hei Fat Choi!

Please click on the link to see this week's newsletter:


I hope you have a restful weekend. 

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Posted 13/01/23

Good afternoon,

I was delighted today to accompany some Year 5 and 6 children to an indoor-athletics event. The children showed magnificent attitudes at the event. They won a number of events and races throughout the morning and finished in third place overall.

Mrs Brewer and I accompanied the children and were so proud of how every child competed and shone at the event today!

The children in KS2 had a special visit from Mrs Johnson today who spoke with them about her job as a scientist. Every area of our curriculum is so important and to have a specialist in our community talk to the children about how science leads to amazing job opportunities was fantastic. A huge thank you to Mrs Johnson for coming to talk to the children about her work and showing the positive impact science has on everyone’s lives.

Finally, please click on the link to view our newsletter to view up and coming events for this term.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 06/01/23

Good afternoon,

It has been wonderful to welcome all the children back this week and hear of their lovely Christmas experiences. There is no better way to start a new year than seeing the children return full of smiles and happiness and I have been so impressed with their attitude to learning upon return to school. Our Christian values are so important to school life and this term our focus is courage.

This week in worship I have spoken with all the children about courage being such an important aspect of life for us all. There are always times when we feel unsure or worried about something we are doing; this is the same for every person and I know everyone will understand this.

We would ask you to discuss this value with your child at home and help them to consider the importance of courage when they might feel like they can't do something and that taking the first step can help us grow as individuals, although we all know it can be somewhat daunting.

Our diary dates are not yet finalised for the spring term and I hope to release these to you next week but please click on the link below to see our newsletter with key information for the coming week.


We are continuing with our grounds development this term and I know the children are all very excited about the installation of new climbing equipment in two weeks’ time. There will be a new climbing zone for KS2 and KS1 and I have attached designs for you to see. Whilst we are developing these areas of school, I continue to ask for support in not allowing children or walking on grass and soil areas.

Following these installations, we are also working with a design team to develop our outdoor library project which will completely redevelop the back of school. Our school PHA have raised significant funds for this project and I am excited that we are now starting the process and some of the initial grounds work to prepare the site has already been done. I look forward to sharing designs for these areas with you once they have been developed in the coming term as we strive to ensure the very best environment for all of our children.

I’d like to wish everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 03/01/23

Good afternoon everyone and a very Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has managed to have some well deserved time with family over Christmas and that the children have had a lovely time. On behalf of everyone at Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy 2023.

I am really looking forward to seeing all the children back in school tomorrow. School doors will open as usual at 8:45 am.

Please also be advised that we are carrying out grounds work around school as we are improving the site for all the children over the coming months. Over Christmas, the KS1 playground has been replaced and in readiness for the installation of new play equipment later in January, the old play equipment has been removed.

Please ensure children do not play on the field and empty spaces that have been left as we are now preparing the ground for installation. Also, please do not let children play on the remaining play equipment in the KS1 area.

Thank you and see you all tomorrow.

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Posted 16/12/22

Good afternoon,

As we finish the term I wish to pass on my thanks to all of our families for an amazing term in school.

The week leading up to the end of term saw all the children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 retell the very first Christmas through a magnificent Church service on Monday evening.

The Christmas Jigsaw saw the children put together the important aspects of the Nativity story. The children sang and performed so well and really helped remind us all of the true meaning of Christmas.

Following the service I shared with the children that they are an important part of our jigsaw which helps to bring joy and happiness to us all, not just at Christmas but every day.

I would sincerely like to thank all of the children across school for their recent nativities and being lights in all of our lives.

I also wish to thank the staff for the tremendous effort and dedication they show in working with the children every day in their learning and preparing them for such events. As a school, we are a family, and I could not wish to be part of a better family than our community.

Finally, I wish to extend my warmest and sincerest thanks to all of our families. As a Headteacher I know we can only achieve great things with your tremendous support. One reason our school is so special is the wonderful community of families that wrap around and support us in everything we do. Personally, I wish to thank everyone for the kindness, well wishes, lovely gifts and cards I have received for Christmas.

Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas with your families.

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Posted 16/12/22

Good morning,

As we all prepare for finishing school later today, it was wonderful to entertain the children and enjoy some time having fun as we performed the Staff Pantomime this morning – 'The Great Wizard of Orm'!

Fun was had by everyone!

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Posted 15/12/22

Good afternoon,

As we approach Christmas there are many reasons to be thankful but today I want to send a special thank you to our amazing ‘School Choir’.

They have worked so hard all term and in the lead up to Christmas, they have performed so well at many different events bringing joy and happiness to everyone. Last Week they performed at The Year 1 and Year 2 nativities and also for the Luncheon Club at the Ministry Centre. This week they performed at the KS2 nativity and the Dementia Hub at the Ministry Centre.

As a community, it is wonderful to see the children taking a joyful message to other people.

They also attended Ormskirk High School to take part in the Winter Big Sing and represented the school superbly at this magnificent event, showing the power of music and song to bring happiness to everyone.

We are all incredibly proud of our magnificent choir and tomorrow they will lead our final school worship before Christmas singing; Do You Hear What I Hear? Oh Holy Night and Carol of the Bells.

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Posted 09/12/22

Good evening,

This week has been a really joyful one in school as our children continue to prepare for Christmas.
The week started wonderfully with our Year 1 and 2 Nativity. All the children spoke and sang superbly and retold the first Christmas in such a beautiful way that really started the Christmas season in school.

We also watched the youngest children in school retell the nativity this morning which is always a special moment. It is hard to believe they have only been in school for 3 months. As a class, Reception spoke and sang with maturity and confidence which brought so much joy into school today.

Year 3 also led a fantastic elves ukulele concert which brought more festive cheer into school. It is incredibly hard to learn a musical instrument and sing at the same time and Year 3 are showing their incredible talents and determination with the ukulele.

A real treat this year was once again being able to have families at each of these events. Our choir have also been able to perform at the Year 1 and 2 nativities and after two years of restrictions, it really was special to hold these events in this way once again; as I said at the different events, these are the really special gifts of Christmas!

Finally, as we prepare for our final week, please click on the link below to keep updated about everything going on in school:


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 02/12/22

Good afternoon,

This week was the first week of Advent and school preparations for Christmas are now well underway. We have once again been thinking about how we can show compassion to one another, just like the innkeeper in the Christmas story, who showed compassion to Mary and Joseph by providing them with a place to stay. The children have created wonderful displays across school to reflect this.

All term, we have been trying to consider how we can put compassion into action. Please continue to talk with your children about how they can make a difference to someone else by showing care and kindness.

As we approach the Christmas holidays, school really is an incredibly exciting place to be. In particular, we are bringing the Christmas story to life through our nativities. I cannot thank the children and staff enough for all their work and dedication in getting ready for these special performances. It has been an absolute joy and privilege to listen to the children singing throughout the week and I am very excited about all the performances over the coming 2 weeks.

Next week we look forward to inviting parents and carers from KS1 and Reception to join us for their children's nativity. Please make sure you see this week’s newsletter to remind yourself of full details and have your tickets to ensure you have a seat at these very special events.

We really enjoyed the cinema night last night when over 140 children enjoyed a showing of the Grinch and helped raise finds for our school too. It was great to share a film together. A big thank you to all the staff and parents who supported the children and made this opportunity possible.

Finally, sport plays an important role for everyone at school. I'd like to echo Mr Swift's congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 footballers who played in the West Lancashire World Cup event and showed an outstanding attitude and represented the school so well. It was a cold day at the event and all the children showed fantastic attitude and ability.
Today a group of children in KS1 also took part in a multi-skills event at Burscough Sports Centre and did exceptionally well. It is always fantastic to see our children taking part in different sports events and reflects the fantastic ability of our children.
A big thank you again to the staff and parents who supported these two events, without their help, these opportunities would not be able to happen.

I have really enjoyed watching many children in Year 3,4,5 and 6 compete at running club throughout this term and I have recently seen their times over 1 km get faster and faster! We certainly have many talented children at sport and there is huge enjoyment of physical activity amongst all the children at school. I will be watching carefully over future years for Christ Church Olympians!

Please click on the link below to read this week's newsletter:


I hope you have a restful weekend.

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Posted 30/11/22

Good afternoon everyone,

As advertised on our newsletter, our PHA are holding a meeting in school at 7:00pm tonight (Wednesday 30th November). Everyone is welcome!

As well as for fundraising, our PHA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal and having some fun along the way.

All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available.

We would really love to grow our PHA, as without your support, we cannot provide the children with some of the amazing experiences that we have been able to do so far. Tomorrow is a cinema night which 140 children are attending. This would not be possible without the PHA.

Class Representatives undertake a very important role. There are usually two representatives per class who provide a link between individual classes and parents and the PHA committee. The support from Class Representatives is vital when it comes to organising our main events from selling tickets to organising activities and stalls. We really could not manage without them.

We are currently looking for Class Representatives for Reception.

If you would like to be more involved you can volunteer to be a Class Representative or you can simply support the PHA and give us your ideas for fundraising events.

To find out more please visit the PHA area of our school website:


We would really love to see you at the meeting tonight and support us in our endeavour to create more exciting opportunities for our children in school.

Thank you

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Posted 25/11/22

Good afternoon,

Yet again we have had another super week in school. The children have been taking part in our active week and have been getting in their laps around the running track each day. It has been amazing to see the children really enjoying their running and trying to develop their stamina.

We had a wonderful worship today, which was led by our Worship Warriors Group who talked about how we as a school can actively show compassion by supporting our sponsored children in Uganda in raising money to enable them to go to school to have an education.

The children spoke about each individual child that we sponsor, their names, ages, likes, dislikes and hopes and dreams.

If you would like to find out more please see our website and click the link below:

We are also saying goodbye today to Mrs Hall who is leaving our school. Mrs Hall will be greatly missed, she has been a part of our school community for over 22 years, as a parent, helper and as a Teaching Assistant. She has worked at Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School for 22 years and we would like to thank her for her commitment, dedication, care and support. Mrs Hall has touched the lives of many children in our school, past and present and helped them in their learning journey in a very caring and nurturing way. We would like to thank Mrs Hall for all that she has given to school over the years.

Please click on the link below to see our newsletter.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 18/11/22

Good evening,

Once again we were delighted to welcome parents and carers into school for our autumn progress meeting about your children. We are so proud of all the children and how well they have settled into their new classes. I have enjoyed going into classes and it is wonderful to see the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the children for their learning experiences throughout the curriculum.

Today we marked Children in Need with our own clothes and wear a bobble hat day! The children really entered into the spirit of the day and showed our value of compassion in action. I would like to give my thanks to you all for your very kind donations.

All donations go to this charity that helps improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people around the UK.

Please click on the link below for this week’s newsletter:


I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

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Posted 11/11/22

We Shall Remember Them

In school this week we have been thinking about Remembrance Day. As part of this, the children have watched a special story today about the three poppies (red, white and purple). This focussed on their meaning, along with an interview with a 97 year old lady who discussed her father's experience in wartime. The children have also created displays around school to reflect Remembrance Day.

Today we held a special Remembrance service at 10:45 am and at 11:00 am today school fell silent as we all came together for prayers and to remember the great sacrifices made by many involved in war and conflict.

The act of remembrance is a significant part of our society and every child in school showed great respect for the many people throughout history and today who have given so much.

Earlier in the week, the children all enjoyed their yoga sessions as we focussed on the importance of looking after our mental health in the world today.

We were also delighted as we received a gold award once again for sport and P.E. George Armstrong and Caitlin Pugh, our sports council representatives, attended Ormskirk Cricket Club with me to receive the award on Wednesday. The award reflects the amazing involvement in sport and school P.E. of all our children and the dedication of staff to ensuring all children are physically active.

Our choir enjoyed a visit from a singing coach on Tuesday as they prepare for their Big Winter Sing. They really enjoyed the opportunity to work with the coach and we look forward to seeing their performances later this term.

Next week we have a key focus on anti-bullying. This is always something we work on with the children as being kind, caring and a good friend is all part of our current school value - compassion and another of our school values - friendship.

Throughout the week all children will take part in activities in their classes and whole school assemblies. This will start on Monday which is odd socks day. Wearing odd socks signifies the uniqueness and individuality of all of us. This is certainly something to celebrate.

Please click on the link to see our newsletter this week for key updates.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 04/11/22

Good evening,

It has been a fantastic return to school this week in what is an exciting term for everyone as we lead up to the Christmas period. The first week has certainly seen many more wonderful experiences for all the children across school.

In particular, during our whole school worship, I introduced our new Christian value of compassion; I talked to the children about, ‘clothing ourselves in compassion, kindness, humility and patience.’ As we lead up to Christmas, this value certainly is one at the forefront of our minds. I was also delighted that our worship group were able to have an online meeting with St Cleopas C of E Primary School in Liverpool this week. St Cleopas is the link church of Christ Church so to see the children from both schools talking about worship and exploring this important aspect of school life was brilliant.

I really enjoyed the opportunity to accompany Year 6 on a fantastic trip to Liverpool synagogue and Liverpool cathedral as part of their RE work. It is so important to learn about different faiths and visit different places of worship and the children represented school superbly on these visits.

I was also delighted to see Year 4 on their outdoor learning day today. Learning outside is something we all place importance on in school and Year 4 certainly enjoyed their experience of cooking around the campfire and other activities in Friendship Falls.

Please click on the link below to view our newsletter. There is important information on here about our up and coming nativities and parents evening so families can get organised for those events.


Finally, as we approach the 5th November, I ask everyone to stay safe if you and your family are attending firework events. Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 21/10/22

Good afternoon,

As we break up for half term, I would like to thank everyone for their tremendous support. The children have been amazing in all aspects of school life during the whole term and this week we have once again seen the children shine in so many different ways.

In particular, our netball team played superbly in the netball event on Wednesday and we enjoyed a special worship led by the WOW group on Thursday. Year 6 also enjoyed their World War Two day and represented the school superbly as they sang at Aughton Park Nursing Home, an event which brought great joy to the residents.

On behalf of everyone at Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School, I’d like to wish everyone a lovely half term and look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday 31st October.

Please click on the link to see our newsletter.


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Posted 14/10/22

Good evening,

We started the week thinking about learning to play a musical instrument. In school we work with Lancashire Music Service and now have a range of instruments being taught to children across the school.

On Monday 17th October, families are invited back into school at 3:45pm to have a look at the instruments on offer should any children from Years 2 to 6 wish to explore music lessons in school. Please click on the link to find out more.


On Tuesday we had a special assembly to launch Black History month. The children are taking this learning on in their classes through story, art and song.
Year 4 sang a wonderful song “Blackbird” which was written by Paul McCartney. He wrote this song about the civil rights struggle for African Americans after reading about race riots in the US.
Through Black History month we are learning about key people who have made a difference and an impact in our world. Today, during worship, the whole school learned all about the inspiration of Rosa Parks.

On Wednesday we had a visit from Sophie who works for Edukid, our partner organisation, who work with us to sponsor children so that they can go to school in Uganda. Without the support of our community they would not be able to gain an education. It was wonderful to get updates on the children and over the coming term we look forward to sharing more updates and sponsored events with you.

As we prepare for our final week of this term I ask all families to click on the links below to keep updated on school life.

This week’s newsletter:

School meals update:

Christmas Jumper Donation:

We also currently have a welfare position available in school for anyone wishing to join our committed lunchtime team.

Please click on the link to see details of this position if you or anyone you know is interested:

I'd like to wish everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 07/10/22

Good evening,

Today has been an amazing end to our week in school. I’d like to sincerely thank everyone for the very generous gifts that have been provided to support the foodbank, cakes for our coffee morning and the overall support you give to our school.

I also want to say thank you so much to all of our families who joined us this morning to celebrate our Harvest and afterwards at our Macmillan coffee morning. A big thank you to the members of the PHA for supporting the running of this event. Holding these community events is a really special part of our school and something we all value so much.

Finally, I want to thank our fantastic children for making our school such a wonderful place to be and creating a special end to the week with this very special Harvest Service.

Please click on the link below to see our newsletter which includes important details about the flu vaccine and school photographs.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 05/10/22

Good Evening Everyone,

Just a reminder that this Friday we are holding our Harvest Service in Church.

Parents, carers and families are warmly invited to attend the Harvest Service in church with us on Friday 7th October at 9.15a.m.

Families wishing to attend should go directly to church in time for the service, once they have dropped children off at school.

We would also appreciate donations of non-perishable food for children to offer at the service which will be donated to Ormskirk food bank. Any donations can be brought to school on the day.

Our Harvest Service will be followed by our Macmillan Coffee Morning in school. Everyone is invited to join us back at school for this event.

We would very much appreciate donations of cakes for our coffee morning which is a very good cause that our school supports every year. Children can bring any cake donations into school tomorrow or Friday morning.

Thank you for your support.

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Posted 30/09/22

Good evening,

It has been another exciting week in school, especially with the election of our school council and head pupils for the year.

Children in every class from year 1 to year 6 had been campaigning to be on our school council and we also heard speeches from some of our Year 6 children who were running for head pupil.

After exciting election campaigns, the school hall turned into a polling stating and everyone in school voted.

To announce the elected members, we had a special visit from the Mayor and Mayoress of West Lancashire. The children all showed great excitement and respect as our school council and head pupils for this year were announced.

I’d like to offer my sincere thanks to the children who participated, I feel incredibly proud of them all. I also want say well done to the children who have been elected. I have no doubt they will represent the school superbly this year.

Please click on the link to see our newsletter for this week.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 26/09/22

Good evening,

It was wonderful to welcome the children back into school on Tuesday and also begin the start of our Life Education sessions.

Each class had a different session with Megan from Coram Life Education:

Reception: All About Me
Year One: My Wonderful Body
Year Two: Feelings
Year Three: Meet the Brain
Year Four: It’s Great to be Me
Year Five: Friends
Year Six: Decisions

The children really enjoyed the sessions and had excellent questions and showed a superb understanding.

Also this week Year 5 had their Bikeability sessions. During these sessions the children learnt how to ride on a road safely encompassing:

Check of air, brakes, chain and direction before every ride.

Be aware of surroundings at all times
Take the most suitable riding positions and space on the road.

Communicate using arm signals and eye contact
Stick to the rules of road, remember who has priority at each stage of the journey.

Well done Y 5, you have learnt so much about safer cycling!

The children have been preparing all week for school council elections. Today we held our voting day. The new school councillors and head pupils in Year 6 will be announced on Monday.

Well done to all the children who prepared speeches and presented this week. We will look forward to sharing the results with you.

Just to remind you that on Monday and Tuesday we will be having our school photographs. On Monday it will be individual and sibling photographs and on Tuesday it will be class photographs. Please ensure your child is wearing full winter uniform.

Please find below a link to this week’s newsletter.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 23/09/22

Election Day

Election day at Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School has started. Everyone is very excited!

Today children are voting for school council members and head pupils in Year 6. Good luck to all the children who have been amazing at putting themselves forward for one of the positions this year.

Holding school elections is an important way to teach children about democracy and we are very proud of all the children in school for how they are participating in this.

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Posted 20/09/22

Author Visit this Morning

Today we all enjoyed having a very special visitor in school. Eamonn Reilly joined us during a special assembly this morning to talk to us about his own books, reading and writing.

Reading and writing are such crucial aspects of our curriculum so it was a real privilege to share this morning with an author and learn about his books, hear about his own experiences of writing and listen to his stories.

The children were fantastic during the visit and asked really thoughtful questions, showing their excellent attitudes and love of reading and writing in school.
A letter has been sent home this evening including details of his books should anyone wish to purchase one. If books are purchased through school, Eamonn is returning on Thursday to sign the purchased copy.

If you wish to purchase a book in this way, the slip and payment (cash only) has to be returned to school tomorrow morning (Wednesday 21st September) as Eamonn is leaving the area after his book signing visit on Thursday.

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Thank you

Posted 16/09/22

Good evening,

As we finish another week in school I would like to say how fantastic it was to see so many of our families at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening this week. Thank you so much for your support.

Next week we are looking forward to our school council elections, our 'Life Education' sessions and welcoming the author Eamon Reilly to our school on Tuesday.

Please find below a link to this week’s newsletter:


We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Tuesday 20th September.

Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 13/09/22

Good afternoon,

Following our Government’s announcement of a national bank holiday on Monday 19th September for The Queens funeral, I would like to confirm that Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary will be closed on this day, in line with Government guidance.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with the Royal Family as the country says goodbye to our longest reigning monarch and reflects on her Majesty's life and service to our country.

School will reopen as normal on Tuesday 20th September.

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Posted 09/09/22

Good evening,

As we begin our new school year, I wish to welcome all of our children back from their summer break.

It has been wonderful to see the children coming into school with huge smiles this week, speak to them throughout the school day and hear of the many exciting things they have been doing over the summer.

Everyone in school is excited about what the year ahead holds and I am certainly looking forward to sharing this with you and your children. I especially want to welcome our Reception children as they begin their learning journey with us. They have all really made a fantastic start to their school life this week.

To support everyone in planning for the term ahead, I have attached a link to some of the key dates for this term. As with anything in life, things can change and additional events will be added. We will always keep you as informed as possible about any new events or changes on ClassDojo and our Friday newsletter. I hope these dates will support everyone in organising the coming months as I know how busy life can be.
Children will receive additional information about events as they near and we will always keep you updated weekly about any up and coming events through our newsletter and ClassDojo.

Please click on the link below to view the key dates and our newsletter this week.

Key dates: https://www.aughtonchristchurch.lancs.sch.uk/serve_file/7935272

Newsletter: https://www.aughtonchristchurch.lancs.sch.uk/serve_file/8008451

Next Wednesday is our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening when you can come and meet your child’s new class teacher and gain information about the year ahead. Reception do not have a meeting as Miss Geeson will be arranging individual parent meetings with it being your child’s first term in school. Details of this will follow. Meetings are held in your child’s classroom and the times are as follows:

4:00 pm – Year 1 Miss Daw
4:30 pm – Year 5 Mrs Frackelton
5:00 pm - Year 2 Miss Simmons
5:30 pm – Year 4 Mrs Nolan
6:00 pm – Year 3 Mrs Chapple
6:30 pm – Year 6 Mr Swift

Finally, we are all now aware of the sad news of The Queen passing away and the impact of this on our country. The children have been incredibly thoughtful and respectful in school today as we held our special worship, participated in class work and reflected together outside as the church bells rang out. I was very proud of them all!

I look forward to seeing everyone over the coming weeks.

Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 09/09/22

Good morning,

Following on from yesterday’s sad announcement, we have held a special worship in school today focussing on the life of The Queen. Children have also carried out curriculum work appropriate to their classes with the class teacher.

At 12 o clock today, our school will pause to listen to the ringing of the church bells.

Please also be aware that our church is marking The Queen’s death and celebrating her role as a servant leader in Sundays Service. Church is also open over the coming days for anyone that wishes.

Friday 9th September
12 noon the bells will toll for one hour
Church will be open from 12 noon until 4pm then re-open 6pm - 8pm

Saturday 10th September
4pm the bells will toll - proclamation of the new monarch
Church will be open from 4pm - 6pm

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Posted 08/09/22

Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School joins the nation in expressing our deepest sympathy on the passing of our Queen. Our thoughts and prayers are especially with her family.

As we celebrate her remarkable reign, we give thanks for her life and unwavering service to us all.

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Posted 15/07/22 

Good afternoon,

On Wednesday, Year 3 thoroughly entertained the whole school and their families with their amazing ukulele concert. It was so wonderful to watch the children demonstrate their musical ability by singing and playing the ukulele so well. Along with some Year 4 children, who have carried on learning the instrument this year, they certainly did make us smile.

Year 3 have been taught ukulele this year by Mr Woodward. This was Mr Woodward's last concert with us and we were very sad to see him leave, however, we are delighted to wish him well in his new post. Mr Woodward has supported all the children in school from Year 3 upwards, in teaching them this fabulous instrument.

Today we were delighted to hold another musical concert. The children across school who have been learning either a woodwind or string instrument, entertained the whole school and their families! It was wonderful to share in their talents and to see how much they have learnt already in their musical journey. I am excited to watch their progress over the next academic year. Being able to play an instrument is such a wonderful gift to have and to be able to watch the children perform today, was truly fantastic!

On Thursday the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a fabulous Infant Fun Day! Their day began with circus skills and they also took part in craft and sporting activities. All the children and staff really enjoyed the day and learnt some new circus skills too! The children thoroughly deserved their day of fun for the fantastic effort they have shown all year.

Tonight, the children have taken their reports home. I am absolutely delighted with all of the children across school and wish to thank them for another amazing year of learning. If you do wish to discuss your child's report, there will be an optional drop in session on Monday 18th July from 3:30pm - 5:00pm.

Finally, next week we have been alerted to a potential heatwave in the UK. Temperatures in Aughton may reach up to 35 degrees Celsius. We would ask parents to be mindful of this and ensure your children come to school in sun hats, suncream and bring a water bottle.
In school we will ensure the children have:

regular drinks breaks
good ventilation across school
have shade
do not participate in vigorous activities or sports

Please click here to read our newsletter:


Hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 08/07/22

Good evening,

This week it has been truly wonderful to have held both our Infant and Junior sports days.

It was fantastic to once again be able to invite our families and celebrate your children's achievements together. The children really do embrace sport and always compete in the right way; showing enthusiasm and support for one another during all the races. We look forward to sharing photos of these events on our website next week.

We were delighted to invite Ormskirk Library into school today to talk to the children about the fantastic resource that is our local library. As a school we know how important it is to read and we always promote this with the children.

Over the summer, the library provides the opportunity for a really good family day out when children can choose their own books. Every Tuesday there are also craft afternoons on at the library and over the summer they are running a reading challenge. We hope lots of our children take part in this and bring in their challenges to share in school in September. In the past we have had many children reading amazing amounts of books to complete the challenge over the summer and we encourage everyone to get involved.

Today has also another seen another lovely community occasion for our school organised by the PHA. It was lovely to once again see our families of the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 joining us for our Teddy Bears' Picnic. It was also wonderful to welcome our new Reception children and families who will be officially joining us in September! We were all entertained by Dazzles Magic Show and it has been a lovely way to end our week and a great start to the weekend.

As we approach the end of term I’d encourage everyone to click on the link below to view our newsletter. This reminds everyone of key things for the last two weeks of term. Some important notices are:

We will be sending home your child’s school reports next Friday. Where applicable, your child’s report will also have full details of the outcomes of any
statutory assessment in them. We will also announce your child’s class teacher for next year so they can meet them during the last week of term.
Lunch menus need to be returned by Friday 15th July for the autumn term. The last day of term is Friday 22nd July and school will finish at the earlier time of 2:30pm.

Please click here to read our newsletter:


Have a lovely weekend

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Posted 01/07/22

Good afternoon,

Today I have arrived back from the Year 6 residential which has been another amazing outdoor experience for our children.

As I arrived back into school, it has also been wonderful to hear about children in other year groups that have been working so hard in their learning.

On Monday and Wednesday, it was a pleasure for everyone to welcome into school our new Reception children who had their taster visits. We are really looking forward to the new children becoming part of our school and taking their first steps with us in their learning journey.

Also, on Monday Year 2 went over to church to consolidate their learning on Pentecost. Sarah and Andy met with the children and talked about the Holy Spirit and how one of the reasons the Holy Spirit was sent was to help us to give us the confidence we need when we are scared or worried.

On Tuesday Year 1 made a visit to church to meet with Jackie to talk about baptism. Jackie told the children that baptism is the same as a christening, it is a way of welcoming a baby, a child or an adult into the family of the church.

Jackie demonstrated baptism of a child and also talked about baptism by full immersion.

On Thursday, the Lancashire Book Bus also made a visit to school. Representatives from each class were able to choose new books for our school library. The children were very excited and made excellent choices!

As we complete another week in school though, I am especially reflecting back on the children in Year 4, 5 and 6 who have participated in our recent outdoor and adventures activities.

Outdoor learning is a huge part of our work with all children in school as we understand the importance of this. At our school we develop outdoor experiences for all the children that we know help them to develop in so many ways. We are delighted that we have been able to provide this for 90 children over the last three weeks.

As I have mentioned, this week it was Year 6 who made everyone so proud during their 5 day residential in the Lake District. They were able to push personal boundaries and achieve personal successes as they sailed, kayaked, jumped in waterfalls and explored the hills. They demonstrated outstanding attitudes and abilities as they near the end of their journey at our school, we could not be more proud of them.

At the end of another school year, we are now preparing to say good bye to them and we know they are ready to make the next big step in life’s journey.

Please click on the link to view our newsletter and keep up to date with our end of year events.


Have a lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 23/06/22

Good afternoon,

The last two weeks in school have been as amazing as the recent weather. There are far too many events and successes to mention but there have been some highlights.

We certainly enjoyed the opportunity to meet together as a school community at the recent school fair. It’s hard to believe that 2 weeks have passed since that date. I would like to sincerely thank the PHA ,staff and all our children and families for making such a wonderful event possible. In addition to having a great evening, we also managed to raise £1858, which will go directly to support all the children in school.

The last two weeks have also seen some more statutory assessments taking place.

We have watched our Year 1 children take their phonics screening check. All the children have worked so hard with their reading this year and we are very proud of the progress they have all made.

Year 2 have also been completing their end of Key stage 1 assessments and work. To support this, we had a visit from an external moderator who said, “how amazing their work was”. We are so proud of everything that Year 2 have achieved this year.

It really has been a busy time for assessments and Year 4 have also now all taken their multiplication check. I really have been astounded by their exceptionally quick multiplication fact recall.

This time of year, also means that Year 4, 5 and 6 are out enjoying residential and outdoor experiences. Year 4 walked 7 miles over Parbold Hill and Harrock Hill and then camped at Rock and River last Friday. Year 5 are kayaking, sailing and camping at Crosby today and then heading over to Waddecar tonight to camp and climb.

Next week, Year 6 are then spending a week in the Lake District. It is brilliant to see the children learning and growing in these amazing outdoor environments and something that benefits them so much.

Reception also enjoyed a great day trip to Martin Mere on Monday looking at bugs and birds. We were incredibly proud of Year 3 as they led a ukulele concert for Aughton Park Residential Home - true service in action.

I was also delighted by the recent sporting successes in cricket and athletics which saw us finish in 2nd and 4th place respectively and William crowned West Lancashire Champion in athletics.

We were also so proud of three of our children who represented school at the final of the dot-art competition; a massive well done to Isobel

for winning overall.

As Headteacher, it is a real privilege to see the children learning in these exciting ways and be a part of the experiences with them. Events over the last two weeks reflect the amazing children that make up our school. It has been a truly action packed two weeks and I am sure the last four weeks of term will bring many more exciting things as we hold our sports days and end of year events.

Finally, we would like to inform you that every child in school has been sent home today with a commemorative book to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Wishing everyone as lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 10/06/22

Our summer fair is now open.

Please come and join us once you have collected your children tonight for some fun, food and refreshments.

You can enter our summer fair from the front of school once you have collected your children.

The fair is open from 3:30 pm until 6:30 pm.

All children will also be invited to sing songs that they have learnt in their classes on our stage between 4:30 pm and 5:00 pm this afternoon.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone over the next few hours.

Thank you for all your support.

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Posted 09/06/22

Good afternoon,

It has been a wonderful start to the last half term of summer and seeing all the children back in school with such smiles has certainly brought school to life.

Tomorrow is our re-arranged summer fair and I’d like to remind all families that once children are collected tomorrow after school, you can then enter the fair via the front of school through the green gate by the main entrance.

Once again, a huge thank you to the PHA who are working tirelessly to get everything ready. We are still looking for any volunteers to help set up in the afternoon and during the fair, any offer of help and support tomorrow would be very much appreciated.
If you can offer any help, please email the school at:

bursar@aughtonchristchurch.lancs.sch.uk or speak to a PHA class representative.

Children should attend school as normal in school uniform tomorrow. All children attending the fair after school will also be invited to sing on stage with their classes which we are looking forward to seeing and hearing.

Finally, we were delighted by the amount of cakes which came into school for the last attempt at our fair. As we are still having a cake sale, we would once again really appreciate any kind donations of cakes which can be brought in the morning into school or in the afternoon.

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and spending some time together as a school family.

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Posted 27/05/22

Good afternoon,

The last week in school has been amazing. We have had great sporting success in the regional cross country event and every child in school was also involved in a special enterprise week to celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Throughout the week the children designed and made products to sell at our Jubilee market.

Yesterday we finished the term with a fantastic lunch altogether in the hall and then held our special Jubilee market outside for families to come along to and buy the items the children has designed and made.

This was a wonderful way to finish the first half of the summer term and the children once again deserve credit for their great attitudes throughout the week. It was brilliant to see so many families attend the event and after such long time of not holding these events due to the pandemic, it was an extra special occasion.

On behalf of everyone at school, I would like to wish you all a wonderful half term holiday and bank holiday weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Wednesday 8th June.

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Posted 24/05/22

A huge well done to all of the amazing children who ran in the cross country event tonight.

Everyone competed so well at the event and made us all feel so proud of their great performances. It was fantastic to see the children running with such determination, enthusiasm and ability.

Some children secured medal positions:

William came first in the Year 5/6 boys' race
Renee came third in the Year 5/6 girls' race
Ivor  came first in the Year 3/4 boys' race

We also had team success:

The Year 3/4 girls finished second overall
The Year 3/4 boys finished first overall
The Year 5/6 girls finished third overall
The Year 5/6 boys finished second overall

A massive well done to all the children involved and the parents and families who came along to support them.

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Posted 20/05/22

Good afternoon,

We are so proud of our Year 2 children who have worked so hard taking their Year 2 assessments this week. They are a fantastic group of children and have really grown in so many ways this year and are certainly ready for the transition to KS2. As the oldest children in KS1, they have been exceptional role models to the younger children.

It has been a busy week in school with many exciting events taking place. On Monday Year 6 took their learning to Aughton Quarry as they planned detective stories and enjoyed some outdoor learning.

Year 1 had a wonderful class visit to Blue Planet Aquarium. There they learnt all about sea creatures and their habitats and even got to see sharks and sting rays up close! They also had a class talk about what lives in water, and found out why turtles have shells, how many brains octopuses have, how many eyes starfish have, and much more!

On Tuesday Year 5 had a fantastic Greek day. The children continued to learn about the Ancient Greek civilisation and culture through role play and activities. They then researched the different ways the Athenian and Spartan armies were trained before venturing out to participate in a mini-Olympics on the school field. It was the Spartans against the Athenians. Congratulations to the Spartans for winning the event!! Year 5 enjoyed this fantastic mini-Olympics organised by our sports counsellors: Elliemae and Donnaidh, who did an amazing job. In the afternoon, all the children became Greek potters and made clay pots that they had designed in Art. All the children had a very enjoyable day whilst enhancing their learning of the Greeks.

On Thursday Year 5 also had their first kayaking experience at Crosby Marina. They will continue to complete a 5 week course, leading up to their adventure day on 23rd June.

A big thank you to everyone for supporting the summer fair preparations. We were disappointed to postpone the event but at the time of decision making it was certainly the right choice. Instead, it was lovely to see so many people come and buy some cakes at the end of today. Thank you to everyone for being so understanding and supportive of our school.

We are now looking forward to holding this event on Friday 10th June at 3:30pm. Once again, a huge thank you to the PHA for all their support in organising this big event in our school calendar.

Please click on the link below to access the school newsletter:


I hope that you have a relaxing weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 13/05/22

Good afternoon,

As we enter the weekend I would like to say how proud we all are of our Year 6 children who have shown unswerving commitment and given their upmost during their end of primary school assessment week.

Like I said last Friday, we know each child so well and how they demonstrate so many amazing attributes that make them the wonderful individuals that they are.

All the staff see their individual talents, care, kindness, compassion, determination, courage every day and alongside their excellent attitudes in their tests this week we also want to celebrate them for the fantastic children they are.

We also want to say a huge thank you to all the children in school this week who have supported the Year 6 so well by maintaining a calm learning environment for them.

Next week our Year 2 children will be taking assessments and we wish them well after all the hard work they have put in this year.

This week we have also continued to make more preparations for our school summer fair, on Friday 20th May.

We would like to thank you for all the contributions brought into school for the class raffle boxes. The boxes look fantastic and contain many wonderful prizes. Remember to purchase your raffle tickets on the day to be in with a chance of winning!

The children will also have an opportunity to win a bear. The special Beefeater Bear will be making visits to each class and the children will be able to give £1 to enter the guess the name of the bear competition.

Once again, a huge thank you to the PHA who are working tirelessly to get everything ready. If you would like to be involved, any offer of help and support to run a stall or set up the fair on the day, would be very much appreciated. If you can offer any help on the day or before, please email the school at bursar@aughtonchristchurch.lancs.sch.uk or speak to a PHA class representative.

The PHA have asked me to pass on the following reminders.

1. We will be asking for donations to be brought into school next Friday for the tombola, wine raffle and cakes for the refreshment stall. Children can attend school in their own clothes on this day.

2. Coloured box raffle tickets (£1) will be on sale in the classes from Monday.

3. Tickets for the name the teddy (£1) will also be on sale from Monday.

The children across school have also been practising songs for the event and they will be performing on the stage during the evening.

Supporting these events really helps us to support your children throughout the year. The money we raise at these events help us to provide a wealth of opportunities and develop school for all the children.

The event is also a celebration of the wonderful school family we have. We are certainly all looking forward to welcoming you into school again, after what has been a very challenging number of years. We really hope you can be there and enjoy the time together.

Please click on the link below to access the school newsletter:


Have a lovely weekend

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 06/05/22

Good afternoon,

Although this has been a shorter week in school, the children have certainly had another busy and exciting week!

On Thursday Year 4 had a fabulous day in Waddicar on their geography field trip. The children carried out a river study and measured the speed and depth of water and investigated wildlife in the river. It was wonderful to see their geographical learning in practice and their enthusiasm for learning and I thoroughly enjoyed going with them.

It is so brilliant to once again be holding these experiences for the children in school as outdoor education in particular plays a huge role in learning for all children. The summer term will see further exciting opportunities for Year 4, 5 and 6.

Year 4 will head on an adventure camp and Year 5 are getting on the water with kayaking and sailing opportunities. Year 6 are also heading off to the lake district for a week to investigate the amazing mountain environment. All these classes are receiving information about these exciting opportunities.

Reception were busy again on Thursday gliding around the playground on their balance bikes. The children are thoroughly enjoying their mini wheeler sessions and they are growing in confidence with them skills that they are learning each week.

Today it has been fantastic to see all the children wearing their own clothes to support the preparations for the summer fair on Friday 20th May. Thank you to you all for all the kind donations that you sent in for our raffle prize boxes. We are all really excited for our summer fair this year, it will be lovely to welcome back once again our parents on to the school site.

If you would like to offer your help and support to run a stall or help set up, that would be very much appreciated. If you can offer any help on the day or before, please email the school at bursar@aughtonchristchurch.lancs.sch.uk or speak to a PHA class representative.

Another exciting event that we are all looking forward to is our enterprise week. The children will work in teams across classes as they consider marketing, money and profit making. The children will be making items to sell which will be on the theme of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The market stalls will be open for children and parents to visit and buy the items that the children have made on Thursday 26th May. The market will open from 2:15pm and it will close at 3:15pm. We would love you to put this date in your diary and come along to support the children. All the money raised will go to support our sponsor children in Uganda.

The remainder of the summer term is incredibly busy as we revert back to many of our usual school opportunities that we held before the pandemic. Sports Days, outdoor experiences, community events and visits are all now back. Please have a look at the published diary dates to support you in an awareness of how school looks in a very busy time of year.

Additional clubs will also be organised during the summer term and information will be sent out about these.

Finally, our Year 6 children have been working incredibly hard towards their end of primary school statutory assessments. We are all so proud of them all and wish them every success in these next week. Whilst these are important assessments for them, we all know that they are so much more than just these tests. Their attitude and talents shine through in every part of school life which reflects the amazing individuals they are.

Please click on the links below to see our newsletter and diary dates.

Newsletter: https://www.aughtonchristchurch.lancs.sch.uk/serve_file/6341083

Diary dates:

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Posted 29/04/22

Good evening,

As we finish for the May Bank Holiday weekend, it has been wonderful to see our children learning outside the classroom this week and building on their curriculum experiences in different ways.

Year 3 took their geography outside on Monday. The children walked into Ormskirk to carry out their fieldwork study on the town. The children conducted a survey in Ormskirk town centre to discover what the main building use was and then investigated which part of Ormskirk was the busiest by counting people in different parts of the town.

They then walked to the Ormskirk Tennis Club for an afternoon of coaching sessions before walking back to school. This builds on their PE Curriculum this half term as the children are developing their tennis skills.

On Thursday Year 5 took their history learning into Liverpool to further explore history through sources of evidence and investigate how past civilisations have impacted the world today.

A big thank you to all the staff and volunteers who made these visits possible. If you would like to volunteer in school or accompany classes on educational visits, please contact the school office to register your interest. All adults coming into school are asked to undergo a DBS check as per our safeguarding policy.

We are so proud of our Year 6 children who have worked so hard this week preparing for their SATs. The children approached their mock week with maturity and tenacity and we have been so impressed by their excellent attitude to learning.

Finally, the children have come home with a sheet on which they can design a front cover for our up and coming Summer Fair on Friday 20th May. This is a lovely opportunity for our whole school community to spend some times together. You can read all about this event by clicking on this link.


Please also take time to read our newsletter by clicking on the link below.


I’d like to wish everyone a lovely, long weekend with your families.

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Posted 22/04/22

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone has been able to enjoy some time with their families over the bank holiday. It has been wonderful to welcome all the children back into school after the Easter break and see our school once again filled with their happy, smiling faces. As we start the summer term it has also been fantastic to welcome the term in with some warm, sunny weather!

Our Christian value this half term is service. We have spoken in worship about how we can serve by helping others. This is a value that I see in action so much in school as the children really do help in so many ways. Please talk with your children about different ways that they can help to make a difference to someone else.

On Wednesday we were delighted to hold our Easter Bingo! It was an ‘eggciting’ evening and fantastic to see everyone that could attend! It really is so special to once again be holding community events and we are looking forward to our summer fair later this term on Friday 20th May. This event will be from 3:30pm until 6:30pm, we will be releasing more details about this next week.

A huge thank you to all the PHA who organised the Easter Bingo and the families that supported us by being there and contributing lots of eggs. We raised a fantastic £414.85! Thank you!

On Thursday Reception had their first session of mini wheelers. The children learnt skills of balance, core stability and coordination. They all thoroughly enjoyed their lesson and we look forward to seeing their progress!

It was fantastic to see some of our Year 5 and 6 children receiving certificates for chess this week. Year 5 and 6 take part in chess competitions in school against each other and I am so impressed by their strategies and critical thinking. Today, chess is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide. It teaches reasoning, calmness under pressure, patience and really importantly good sporting conduct.

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Posted 01/04/22

Good afternoon,

As we reach the end of another term, I want to wish everyone a peaceful and relaxing Easter.

The children right across school have been incredibly thoughtful throughout the week as we all reflected on Easter as they participated in our Easter Experience.

Every class took part in the different stations of the cross:

The Last Supper
The Peace Garden of Gethsemane
The Arrest of Jesus
The Denial of Jesus
The Cross
The Resurrection

The children had times for reflection at each station, where they considered:

Friendships - falling out and being a good friend.

Peace - what is peace, how can we be peaceful.

Thinking of others around our world in need - caring for one another.

Thinking about times when we might not have done the right thing and how saying sorry is important.

Forgiveness and what this looks like.

We finished our term today with a wonderful worship which pulled these key elements of Easter together. Our choir once again set the scene with two thought proving songs, “Oh Happy Day” and “This is Amazing Grace”.

The week reflected the thoughtful, caring and amazing children we have in our school.

On behalf of everyone at Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter and look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 19th April.

      *   *               

Posted 25/03/22

Good afternoon,

As we prepare for the final week of term, the children have been learning Easter songs in worship and considering the meaning behind them.

Each class will be going over to church next week to take part in an Easter experience which focuses on the Easter story and helps the children to understand this very important part of the year.

Through our school Christian Value of justice this week, the children have been learning about the importance of doing the right thing and following the rules to maintain a fair and just World. We have looked at the Ten Commandments and also thought about the importance of our school rules and how we treat one another.

As part of worship, Year 4 led a fantastic worship all about Joseph today with some amazing singing. As always it is wonderful to see the children leading these important messages for us.

It was once again fantastic to have parents' evening in person at school. We were delighted to welcome parents into school on Wednesday evening and have the opportunity to celebrate the success and targets of your children with you.

Thursday evening brings another opportunity to come into school as we have our first social occasion in a long time. Please see our newsletter letter for details of the Easter Bingo. It would be great to see you there!

Please find attached below a link to our school newsletter:


I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 18/03/22

Good afternoon,

It has been wonderful to see a continuing love of reading in and around school this week.

Our Year 6 children have been selling their class story ‘Kindness Prevails' in school. The children wrote the story themselves and created the illustrations to make into books. We are so proud of their creativity and imaginative writing.

In continuation with our love of reading theme, Year 5 have decorated doors around school to reflect the books they have been reading and to inspire others to open the door to another world!

On Tuesday the children from Year 5 led an assembly all about the books they had been reading as a class and shared an overview of the text and why they would recommend them. It was lovely to see the excitement that they created as they talked so passionately about the books that they had read and even acted out scenes from the stories!

Also, on Tuesday 8 children from Year 2 represented school in the indoor athletics tournament. The children behaved so well and took part with enthusiasm in each challenge: obstacle, sprint relay, speed jump and javelin. It was lovely to hear them encouraging each other as they took part in the events.

Once again our school choir sang in worship this week. The song “Rise” gave a message of overcoming difficulties and believing in yourself, which was an inspiration to us all. Seeing the children lead our school with such enthusiasm and key messages is probably one of the greatest things I experience as a Headteacher, I certainly feel very proud of them all.

Today the children attended school in their own clothes to support the work of Comic Relief. Thinking of others and supporting others who need our help is justice in action. A big thank you for all the donations sent in to support this worthy cause.

Please click on this link to read our newsletter with important reminder about statutory assessments on.


Finally I’d like to wish everyone a lovely weekend. As the warm spring weather arrives I hope everyone has an opportunity to enjoy it.

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Posted 11/03/22

Good evening,

It has been fantastic to see parents and children in school again visiting the book fair this week.

We all know the importance of reading and watching the children’s enthusiasm for buying a book was so wonderful. A percentage of the amount of money raised from the book fair and from the Readathon will enable us to purchase some brand new reading material for school. A big thank you to everyone for supporting us in these events.

On Monday children from Year 2 took part in a Scavenger Hunt at Ashurst Beacon. They were given challenges and unusual items to find in the woodland. The hunt really relied upon team work, communication and perseverance. We were so proud of the children that took part!

On Tuesday Year 3 led worship for the whole school, reminding the us of the importance of our Christian value of justice. The children retold the parable of the lost son fantastically well and also sung the song “Count on Me” which encourages us to think of others, to be there for each other and to help each other.

We were also delighted to see Year 6 lead worship today as they shared a story they have written as part of our reading initiatives. As you will have already read in the previous post, they are selling a special book with their story in order to ensure a fairer world for all children as any funds raised will support our sponsor children in Uganda by enabling them to attend school.

In a few weeks we will once again be putting our value of Justice into practice by supporting the work of Comic Relief. Thinking of others and supporting others who need our help is justice in action. We are looking forward to our non-uniform day on Friday 18th March when the children can attend school dressed in their own clothes in return for a donation to support this worthy cause.

Please click on the link to read our newsletter:


Wishing everyone a lovey weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 04/03/22

Good evening,

This week has really been an amazing week in school.
Some key events have really stood out in particular which have made school such a vibrant place to be.

On Tuesday our Year 4 children took the Queen’s baton to St Michael’s school as we played our part in the Commonwealth Games Baton Relay which is travelling the whole of the UK. Year 4 represented us superbly.

On this day Year 5 and Year 6 also enjoyed an amazing musical performance at Bridgewater Hall. It was wonderful to see children enjoying a live performance by a full orchestra. This followed a wonderful evening on Monday as over 30 children and their families came to experience different instruments in school. I look forward to seeing the children learning their instruments in weekly lessons and enjoying the gift of music.

Wednesday evening also saw our swimming team from Year 5 and Year 6 compete at the West Lancashire Swimming Gala and they made us all really proud with their performances.

On Thursday, we celebrated the main focus of the week - World Book Day. The children and staff looked fantastic in their character costumes.

A big thank you to parents and carers for all the time and effort you put into helping children prepare a costume for the day, supporting them with their extreme reading challenge and readathon and also in helping them create their reading buddy.

We are also so proud of the children for raising the grand total of £2,456 in the readathon which is an amazing achievement! The money raised enables Read for Good to provide brand new books and storyteller visits to children in a chosen hospital. The hospital we are hoping to provide books for is ALDERHEY CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL.

We were amazed by the children’s reading buddies they had made and the photos from their extreme reads. Every chid deserves huge credit for these as they reflected great enthusiasm for reading and wonderful creativity.

The children really entered into the spirit of the day and planned events. It was fantastic to see such enthusiasm for reading around our school. We all know that reading plays a crucial part in the education and lives of us all.

"Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything"

Please click on the link to see our newsletter this week.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

*   *   *   *   *

Posted 25/02/22

Good afternoon everyone,

School has been very vibrant in the first week back and there are many exciting events up and coming for all classes across school.

This term, our school value is justice and our Year 1 children led worship superbly today. They told the whole school about the importance of justice and what being fair really means. We are all so proud of how well they spoke and presented this very important message. It was lovely to see them talk about things that show Justice. Once again, the Blue Roses played and sang for us and our worship allowed an important moment for reflection in a very busy World.

We are also delighted with the amazing extreme read photos we are seeing coming into school and the readathon the children are participating in. Everyone in school is really enjoying the key focus on reading and getting excited for the book fair and World Book day!

Finally, please remember that on Monday, children from Years 2 to Year 6 can drop back into school with a parent from 3:45pm -5:00pm, to find out about musical instrument lessons. At this evening you will be able to talk to the music teachers and sign up for instrument tuition should you wish.

Please click on the link to see our newsletter and find out about all events in school.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 21/02/22

Good afternoon,

A huge welcome back to another exciting term in school. It’s been fantastic to see the children return once again with such big smiles.

This morning, all the children had a special assembly about learning to play an instrument through extra music lessons. A letter will be coming home tomorrow for children in Year 2 to Year 6 to explain more about this opportunity.

There is a chance to come into school between 3:45 pm and 5:00 pm next Monday (28th February) for families of children in Year 2 to Year 6 who are interested in playing an instrument.

We are also building up to all our reading events this term. "Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything"

Thank you for everyone who has sent in their readathon money today. We are amazed at how much reading the children have done already and the generous contributions. Please ensure any donations are sent in by this Friday.

There was a slight issue with the email for our extreme read photos over half term but everything is working ok now. Please send any entries into:

Apologies for any inconvenience. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone’s entries. The closing date for this competition is Monday 28th February.

Finally, just a reminder that tomorrow there is also a meeting in school at 6:00pm for parents in Reception and Year 1 to find out about the teaching of reading. We hope parents and carers from children in these classes can join us.

I look forward to keeping everyone involved in school life as the term goes on!

Have a lovely evening.

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Posted 11/02/22

Good evening,

This week celebrated Children's Mental Health Week. The theme was 'Growing Together'.

We launched the week with a special assembly focussing on how we can take time in our busy lives to stop, take away distractions, whether that be electronic devices or TV time, and consider finding enjoyment in the environment around us.

It was lovely to share the outdoor experiences that Year 1 had engaged in during their Forest School lesson this week, where they had made something from nature. Year 4 also held their own forest day today and really enjoyed the opportunity to learn outside.

Being in nature and experiencing nature is one way to help us feel good and give our minds a mental break.

Online safety also plays an important part in supporting children's well being keeping them safe. This week we had special assemblies to talk to the children about the importance of respect online and remaining safe. This was followed up with class activities. If you click on the link below you can see many ways of supporting your children to stay safe online.


The final week of term has also seen the launch of reading initiatives across school. Reading is a critical part of all children's education and also supports wellbeing. I am looking forward to seeing our extreme read and other events take place over the coming month. Please see our newsletter link below for further details of these initiatives.

"Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything"


Finally it was wonderful to see children leading us in worship again this morning as Year 2 and the Blue Roses talked and sang to us all about never giving up! This is such an important message to us all and it is amazing to see the children tell it so well.

Wishing everyone a lovely half term. I look forward to seeing all the children back on Monday 21st February.

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Posted 11/02/22

Music Tuition Opportunity

Good afternoon,

I am writing to let you know about some of the additional music opportunities coming up in school. Music is a very important aspect of the curriculum at Christ Church C of E Primary School and we are always looking for ways to provide extended opportunities for the children.

Over the 7 years your children are at school, we ensure they have the chance to learn a musical instrument. Children in Year 3 will all have the opportunity to learn to play the ukulele and throughout school we are always developing our music curriculum to give all children chances to play different instruments. In particular, the glockenspiel is used across school and all children in Year 2 will now be given the chance to learn the recorder.

To Further build on these curriculum opportunities, we are working closely with Lancashire Music Service to provide extended opportunities for additional instrument tuition. Over the last term we have been working hard with Ormskirk Music Centre and Chris Cull to develop these opportunities and he will lead this music tuition.

On Monday 21st February, we will be having a special assembly in school when Chris will tell all the children about the different instruments they may wish to learn. Following this special assembly, the children will bring letters home detailing the instruments available and prices for lessons.

Then on Monday 28th February there will be an after-school session from 3:30 pm till 5:00 pm for parents to come and discuss the instruments with your children and actually try them out. At his evening you will be able to talk to the music teachers and sign up for instrument tuition should you wish. Please put this date in your diary.

I look forward to giving you further information following the special assembly after half term. This is a fantastic opportunity for children wishing to play an instrument and I look forward to seeing them develop new skills.

Thank you

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Posted 4/02/22

As we prepare for our final week of term, there have been many exciting things happening in school over the last week.

On Tuesday, we were delighted to be able to hold a live zoom with our friends in Koch Goma School in Uganda. It was a great chance for our school council and worship groups to chat to children in another part of the world and share experiences. We are hoping that we will be able to continue these types of opportunities and look forward to sharing them with the whole school in assemblies.

Our school choir and school band ‘The blue Roses’ have also been helping lead worship by singing some very inspirational songs which help us all remember to keep going and never give up. It really is so wonderful to see the children leading in this way and is a very special part of school life.

Another highlight has also been our Year 6 children reading with younger children across school. As we get ready to really celebrate reading through World Book Day and other initiatives everyone in school is getting excited about the special experiences reading brings to our lives.

Next week will see a focus on mental health and well-being and online safety. These very important aspects of our children’s lives will be discussed throughout the week and form the basis of special assemblies and classwork.

Please take time to look at our newsletter for updates by clicking the link below.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 28/02/22

Good afternoon,

This week we have been really proud of our Year 5 children who have been doing their ‘Bikeablitly’ course in school and on the streets of Aughton. Learning to ride a bike safely on the roads is a crucial life skill for all of our children and we are so proud of their amazing attitudes during the course this week. The instructors paid tribute to their amazing attitudes, maturity and listening skills.

Year 5 also led today’s worship on our school value of perseverance. As part of this special worship, our school band ‘The Blue Roses’ sang the inspirational song ‘Rise Up’. It is so wonderful to see the children sharing the importance of our values with each other as we all know how important these attributes are on life’s journey. There are many special moments in a school week but watching the children speak and sing this morning was quite inspirational.

Across school, all the children have once again been inspired in their learning but I want to say a huge well done to all of the Year 6 children who have been learning about Shakespeare. Their work on Macbeth has been exceptional and to understand the story and discuss challenging literature in such a mature and knowledgeable way reflects how well our children understand and enjoy English. It really was wonderful to see!

Please see the link to the newsletter below and have a lovely weekend!


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Posted 25/01/22

PHA Meeting Tomorrow 7:00 pm

Good afternoon everyone, our PHA are holding a meeting at school tomorrow (26th January 2022) at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.

As well as for fundraising, our PHA exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal and having some fun along the way.

All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available.

We would really love to grow our PHA, as without your support, we cannot provide the children with the amazing experiences that we have been able to do so far.

With COVID-19 we have lost many of our existing members and we are really looking to inject some new ideas and energy into the team.

We are looking for Class Representatives.

Class Representatives undertake a very important role. There are usually two representatives per class who provide a link between individual classes and parents and the PHA committee.

The support from Class Representatives is vital when it comes to organising our main events from selling tickets to organising activities and stalls. We really could not manage without them.

We have a small list of volunteers who commit some of their time to helping at for an allotted time at specific events. Every little helps, so just half an hour assisting at an event would be invaluable.

If you would like to be more involved you can volunteer to be a Class Representative. Or you can simply support the PHA and give us your ideas for fundraising events. This is also the time to ask questions or voice your opinion.

You can help by letting us know if you have any contacts or skills we could use, everything is potentially valuable to us.

To find out more please visit the PHA area of our school website:


We would really love to see you at the meeting tomorrow and support us in our endeavour to create more exciting opportunities for our children in school.

Hopefully see you tomorrow!

Have a lovely evening.

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Posted 21/01/22

Good afternoon,

This week has been another exciting week in school, particularly for Year 1 children who are continuing their Forest School experiences. It has been so wonderful to see the children out in our garden area enjoying learning in this environment. I know from speaking to the children they have all been really enjoying this opportunity.

Walking around school and seeing all the children engaged in their learning each day is really wonderful to see and makes everyone feel so proud of them all.

Our school value of perseverance has been a real focus of our return to school this term. We have been exploring how life can be like a challenging journey and how 'keeping on going' is important in all aspects of our lives, particularly in learning. Please take time to also talk about the value of perseverance at home.

“I can do all things through Him who strengths me”. Philippians 4.13

Please click the link below to see our newsletter this week:


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend.

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Posted 14/01/22

Good evening everyone,

A huge well done to all the children for another great week in school. It really has been so lovely seeing them all around school smiling and having great learning experiences.

I am including a link to our newsletter which I ask everyone to have a look over the weekend at as it gives details of an extra Bank Holiday in June for the Queen's Jubilee and next years holiday dates.


Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

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Posted 7/01/22

Good afternoon,

As we finish the end of another week, I’d just like to say how wonderful it has been to see all the children back with such great attitudes and big smiles. This has ensured a great start to 2022 in school.

I’d also like to mention how fantastic the Year 5 and Year 6 children in our athletics team were today. The children went to an athletics event in Burscough and were able to compete against other schools. They competed really well in all the events showing amazing attitudes, winning lots of races and finishing 4th overall. We were very proud of them all. Our school value this term is perseverance and in all the events the children certainly showed this.

I have also attached our newsletter today as well which has some important information on about Covid-19 isolation periods. Please take some time to click on the link below and have a look at this over the weekend.


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. I look forward to seeing all the children on Monday morning.

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Posted 4/01/22

Good afternoon

I’d like to wish you a very ‘Happy New Year’ on behalf of everyone at Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School. I hope it is a healthy and happy 2022 for everyone.

We are all looking forward to seeing the children back tomorrow at the normal time. School doors will open as usual at 8:45 am. Whilst we are reopening as usual, I have decided to put in place one aspect of our Covid-19 management plan as we return; Section 3 paragraph 2 points i and ii.

This part of the plan states that:
i. We may revert back to whole class groups staying in one bubble. Whilst each class will consist of the same children, staff can move between classes to support them in different ways.

ii. Each year group will operate within a specific learning zone. Break times will also see classes remaining together in an allocated play zone. Children will not cross into other classes as zones will continue be clearly marked to play in.

This means that children will be staying in class bubbles whilst we review our return to school. This will not impact any other aspect of school this week.

In order to support our school community and ensure school can continue to operate at full capacity, I would also like to ask all children to take a lateral flow Covid-19 test in line with Government guidance when possible before returning to school and ensure they are negative and not displaying any symptoms of Covid-19. All staff are also testing upon return to school.

Children should also bring their P.E kits into school tomorrow for P.E as normal.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing all the children tomorrow.

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Posted 17/12/21

Good afternoon,

As we finish school for Christmas, I’d like to say thank you to all of the children for their amazing attitudes and work this term. They are truly an inspirational and wonderful group of children who I feel very privileged to work with every day. School is always full of joy and excitement because of who they are! I said in Church this week that the biggest gift I will receive this year is seeing the children perform their nativities so it has certainly been the best start to Christmas!

I’d also like to thank all of the staff in school for ensuring that once again our children have had the very best experiences in coming to school, even in challenging times.

Finally, I’d like to offer my sincere thanks to all the parents and families for their continued support in all aspects of school life this term, words of encouragement and kindness. I’d also like to thank you for the lovely Christmas wishes and gifts I have received this week. I feel incredibly blessed to be part of such a wonderful, caring community.

I’d like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Wednesday 5th January.

Please click on the link to read our final newsletter.


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Posted 17/12/21

Good morning everyone,

As we begin our final day of term, I'd like to say how proud we all were of our amazing Year 3 children who performed a festive ukulele concert this week.

They have worked incredibly hard all term in their ukulele and music lessons and as always showed great attitude and enthusiasm in a wonderful concert. Our class full of elves sang and played superbly, helped by some children from Year 4!

We were also delighted to be able to invite their families into school to join us for a live performance as once again our wonderful children filled the school with Christmas joy.

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Posted 16/12/21

As we continue our countdown to Christmas, everyone in school enjoyed a wonderful visit from two special reindeer today.

Pepper and Willow made themselves at home in the school garden and each class had the opportunity to go and meet them and found out all about them.

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Posted 16/12/21

The Christmas excitement continues to build in school this week.

Yesterday saw our school Santa Dash as children ran class distances around the track to Christmas music. Altogether our children ran 78 miles around our path!

Once again all of the children did so well and showed what fantastic runners they are.

All funds raised will go to support our sponsor children attend Koch Goma Primary School in Uganda and we will update you on our final amount on Friday. If you have any funds to still send into school for this event, please send them in with your child tomorrow.

A massive thank you to everyone for supporting this event.

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Posted 15/12/21

Good afternoon,

As we move into the middle of our final week I’d like to say how magnificent Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 were in our special church service on Monday evening.

It was once again an emotional and special moment as we welcomed families of our Key Stage 2 children to join us in church to watch the children lead our service. This certainly created the best start to our final week of term as our Year 6 children superbly led the retelling of the very first Christmas.

The children presented ‘Stable Story’ and retold the birth of Jesus through fantastic singing and acting. I would like to thank all of the wonderful children for bringing us so much joy and the staff who worked with them to create this special Christmas moment for us all.

Finally, thank you to all of the families who attended on the night and supported school in every way possible to allow us to put this event on.

Have a lovely evening.

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Posted 10/11/21

Good afternoon,

As we finish another week in school I would like to say how well all the children across school have been doing in preparing for Christmas and end of term activities.

We have seen many exciting events in school this week as Year 5 had a role play day to imagine what it was like to live in the Victorian era and Year 6 children attended school ready to be evacuated in their role play day to learn about World War 2. Both classes were exceptional at taking part in these fantastic activities.

It was also lovely to see everyone coming into school today in their Christmas jumpers as we raised funds for Save the Children. We will update you on our final amount raised next week. Thank you for all your support.

This morning saw one of our highlights of the week as our wonderful Reception children led their very first Nativity. They sang amazing songs and acted and spoke with such confidence for their first ever performance as they told the story of the very first Christmas.

It is hard to believe they have only been in school for 14 weeks. Everyone in school is so proud of them and feel privileged to be a part of their amazing story.

It was certainly a magical and emotional moment and one that we were delighted to share with the families who could attend.

Please click on the link to see this week's newsletter and keep updated with school events leading up to Christmas.


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

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Posted 07/21/21

KS1 Nativitiy

This week has seen the start of our school nativities.

We are so proud of all of our Year 1 and Year 2 children who performed their nativity yesterday and today.

A huge thank you to all of the children and staff in Year 1 and 2 who made this very special start to Christmas possible. The children were truly amazing and sang songs with such joy and enthusiasm to bring the spirit of Christmas to us all.

I was also delighted that we could welcome families from Year 1 and Year 2 into school to join us for this special and emotional start to Christmas as we watched the children tell the story of that very first Christmas.

I'd like to thank all of our families for their support in making this happen.

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Posted 03/12/21

Good evening everyone,

I hope you are all well.

School continues to be very exciting and busy as we build up to Christmas. The children have all been amazing at preparing their different nativities which we hope we can share with you all in the last two weeks of term.

Please take time to click on the link below and have a look at our newsletter to keep up to date with school events.


Have a lovely weekend.

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Posted 26/11/21

Good evening,

Today saw more outstanding sporting success following our running event yesterday as children from Year 5 competed in Boccia & Curling against other schools from the district.

The children represented our school superbly with fantastic attitudes and ability coming away with a gold medal. We are once again so proud of our amazing children in sport.

After running Governor elections, I am also delighted to announce that Kerrie Norman has been elected to a position of Parent Governor on the Governing Body for 4 years. It is wonderful to have such fantastic support parental support for school.

As we finish another action-packed week in school, I would like to take to take this opportunity to update everyone on forthcoming events.

Please click below to read our newsletter and get key updates about our planed nativities for every year group, Covid-19 and many other important aspects of school life.


We have also sent out PHA invites today for a meeting after school on Tuesday and welcome anyone who wishes to attend. I’d also like to draw your attention to our Aid to All project for Southport Soup kitchen being run by one of our parents. This is a wonderful cause and you can read more about it on page 4 of the newsletter.

I’d like to wish everyone a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing all the children again on Monday morning.

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Posted 25/11/21

Good evening everyone,

Today saw another fantastic whole school event as all the children in school had the opportunity to race around our track and get a personal best time for their class distance.

Children in Reception and Year 1 ran 450m, children in Year 2 and Year 3 ran 675m, children in Year 4 ran 900m and children in Year 5 and Year 6 ran 1.125 km.

There was a real event atmosphere as Epic Events brought banners, start/finish arches, a tracking and timing system and a great sound system to encourage all the children and play some songs to run to.

Every child who ran today showed amazing, positive attitudes and a real determination to complete the course in their best time. We were so proud of them all!

Over the coming week, teachers will share times with the children. The children have been set a challenge by our sports council to see if they can beat their time in the spring term. Every day the children have an opportunity to improve their time during our afternoon active run on the path.

Leading up to Christmas we will also hold some special running events such as a virtual run across Antartica and a Santa Dash to help the children do this.

I'd like to once again say a huge thank you to Epic Events who are supporting our running events in school and help create great experiences for our children.

Finally, a big thank you and well done to all the children for showing amazing attitudes towards school life once again.

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Posted 19/11/21

We have once again had a wonderful week in school.

All week the children have been taking part in different activities to raise awareness of the importance of being kind to each other.

The teachers have been working with the children to reinforce the message that bullying is unacceptable and what our children can do if they feel that they are being bullied.

We started the week with ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Monday and there were some fantastic combinations of odd socks! It really helped to reiterate the important message that we are all unique and that is a great thing.

The children also considered what kind words that they could use with each other to foster feelings of positivity. Together we have created a wall of kind words in the hall. To build on this, our WOW Group led an amazing worship all about One Kind Word which discussed the importance of speaking kindly to each other.

We also had a great day today supporting Children in Need by coming into school wearing fun sports wear. The children really enjoyed their work outs with Jo Wicks! Mrs Chapple led worship where the children learnt about the amazing work that Alder Hey do to support children who need medical care.

Thank you very much for your generous donations – we really appreciate it and our community has made a difference today to the many children and families who need support. The children in our school are always very keen to help other people whenever they can which is lovely to see.

Please find a link to our newsletter below.


I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

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Posted 15/11/21

The children have all started thinking about anti-bullying week today. In worship and in their classes, we discussed the importance of using kind words.

It was also great to see everyone coming into school in their odd socks as we celebrated the uniqueness and individuality of us all. We will continue to explore this theme as the week goes on through a series of events and we will all reflect on the importance of being kind to each other.

Tomorrow the WOW group will lead our worship on this theme.

I encourage all of our families to discuss this really important topic at home this week.

Have a lovely evening.

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Posted 12/11/21

Today, Year 4 led us in a wonderful worship this morning. The theme built on our value of trust and the children highlighted how we have all been trusted to look after God’s world that was created for us all. The children discussed COP 26 and climate change. They told the school that over the coming term everyone across school will come together and create a huge globe as a piece of art work to hang in our hall. They discussed how we will create class pledges saying how we can take better care of the world and look forward with hope to create a bright future.

The children also reminded us through worship:

‘I know the plans I have for you. I will give you hope for the years to come.” Jeremiah 29.11

Working with such wonderful children every day, I am certainly always filled with hope and excitement about a bright future and look forward to seeing the initiative they lead on for us.

Finally, as we head into the weekend, I’d ask everyone to find time to look at our newsletter and notices.

Next week is antibullying week and we will explore this with the children starting on Monday with Odd Socks Day.

I also ask that parents read our healthy snack leaflet, as we have been finding some unhealthy snacks in school. As a school we encourage and discuss with the children the importance of eating a healthy diet. I really appreciate your support with this important aspect of school life.

Have a lovely weekend,