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At Aughton Christ Church C of E Primary School we can see our values practically impacting upon the world around us. It is wonderful to see the children and adults in our community acting out our vision.Some of examples of this are:
In September 2023, we held our Edukid launch. The school council discussed ways to support the children by raising funds to sponsor the children to go to school.Throughout the year the children in school held: a toast sale, a Santa dash, an own clothes day, a market and a performance to support the children in Koch Goma attending school.All children deserve the right to an education and it was wonderful to see children showing generosity, service and friendship in this way.
In 2023, following our annual Edukid launch, Dexter in Year 2 contributed his pocket money to support the cause. He said how they have everything he needed and he wanted to support others to go to school too.This again reflected such generosity, service and friendship.
During our visits to other places of worship throughout the year, the children are consistently commended for the great respect they show towards others. We have received many letter and emails to say how wonderfully respectful they are.
In the Autumn term the Year 6 children attended Hill Croft Nursing home to speak with residents and sing songs through their topic of World War Two. The afternoon brought such joy to the residents reflecting compassion, service and generosity.
At Christmas 2023 the school choir also demonstrated service and generosity as they went to perform for the local luncheon club. They seek to serve the community by taking the Christmas message to some of the most vulnerable people in our community.
The behaviour at break times amongst the children is exceptional and reflects a great example of trust as they play within our set rules. When talking to the children at breaktimes, it is also wonderful to see such friendship, truthfulness and forgiveness where necessary, in action.
In 2024, Year 5 decided to raise funds through creating a magazine about the Amazon Rainforest. The money raised went towards adopting orangutans showing great respect towards God’s World and everything in it and compassion, service and generosity.
During our summer camping trips in 2024 our Year 3 and 4 children showed great friendship and perseverance in their adventure walks. Despite the challenging distance, children could be heard saying we will not give in and we will complete the walk.They all entered the campsite singing together.
The staff in school offer an array of clubs and are committed to supporting the children through these. Examples include, staff in school supported children in extra lessons before the school day and after the school day, providing countless sporting opportunities, holding clubs to allow the children to perform, sing and experience the arts.These are great acts of generosity and service as staff give up time to support the children across school.
In the summer holidays of 2024 Sammy in Year 3 held a bake sale independently and raised money to support our sponsor children in Uganda. She demonstrated friendship towards our sponsor children with this great act of service.