
Membership of the Governing Body 2023/2024

Headteacher: Mr David Kennedy
Chair of the Governing Body: Mr Neil Heyes
Vice-Chair of the Governing Body: Mr Mark Abbott

Governors Name Category of Governor  Appointed by Date of appointment End Date
Mrs J Roberts Co-opted Governor Governing Body 09/03/2023  *08/03/2027
Miss Clare Geeson  Staff Governor  Staff 28/03/2017 *27/03/2025
Mrs Heather Croft Co-opted Governor  Governing Body 01/09/2015 *31/08/2027
Mrs Thess Jutla Foundation Governor  Diocesan Board of Education  19/01/2019  *13/01/2027
Mr R Macleod Parent Governor  Parents 08/10/2018 *23/03/2027
Mrs Debbie Clark Co-opted Governor Governing  Body 20/03/2018 *19/03/2026
Mrs G Johnson Parent Governor Parents 24/03/2023 *23/03/2027
Mr O Osikoya Parent Governor Parents 24/03/2023 *23/03/2027
Ms K Norman Parent Governor Parents 08/03/2022 *07/03/2026
Mrs Y Henry Parent Governor Parents 24/03/2023 *23/03/2027
Rev'd S O'Donoghue Ex-Officio   16/03/2018 *15/03/2026
Mr David Kennedy Headteacher Governing Body 05/10/2015  

end of 4 year term of office.


Committee Members  2023/2024

Resources and Finance  Standards and Effectiveness  Headteacher Appraisal  Pay Committee
Mr R Macleod (Chair) Mrs Deb Clark (Chair) Mr Neil Heyes Mr Rob Macleod
Mrs Kerrie Norman Mrs Heather Croft Mrs J Roberts Mrs Kerrie Norman
Mr N Heyes Miss Clare Geeson  Mr M Abbott Mrs Jenny Roberts
Mrs Jenny Roberts Mrs Thess Jutla    
Mr Mark Abbott Rev'd S O'Donoghue    


Register of Interest 2023/2024

Governors Name  Declared  Interest
Non Declared  


Governors Name  Relationship with Staff Declared Interest
Non Declared



            Governors Name                                                                      Declared Business Interest

                Non Declared


             Governors Name                                                                      Declared Financial Interest

                Non Declared


Former Governors 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022 & 2022/2023

Governors Name Category Date/ Appointed Term of Office Date Stood Down
Mrs Hannah Povey  Parent Governor   02/10/2011  4 Years 01/10/2015
Mr Andrew Lake Community Governor 03/07/2012 4 Years 02/07/2016
Mr Nick Greer Parent Governor 12/03/2014 2 Years 09/09/2016
Dr J Craig Parent Governor 28/09/2015 1 Year 28/11/2016
Mr N Frackelton Parent Governor 28/09/2015 3 Years 21/03/2018
Rev. R Moughtin Ex-Officio 08/11/2017 1 Year 08/05/2018
Mrs Sarah Ferreira Parent Governor 16/11/2015 3 Years 31/08/2018
Mr David Price Foundation Governor 02/10/2015 3 Years 31/08/2018
Dr David Dennison Foundation Governor 03/11/2015 4 Years 11/06/2019
Miss Rachel Ironside Parent Governor 20/03/2017 4 Years 19/03/2021
Mr Stuart Jackson Chair 30/08/2017 4 Years 31/08/2021
Ms A Wormleighton Parent Governor 08/10/2018 3 Years 11/02/2022

Mr A Graham                    Co Opted                                  08/03/ 2019           4 Years        07/03/2023


Clerk to the Governing Body 

Fiona Clague

Governing Body Adviser

Governor Services South Team

Lancashire County Council


Tel. 01257 517087

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