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At Christ Church C of E Primary School, collective worship will take place every day for all children. Collective worship has the potential to unite the whole membership of the school and will help to develop a sense of community. Collective worship is an integral part of our school’s contribution to promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of every child and is central to the behaviour and ethos throughout school. It is also seen as a time to celebrate the worth, uniqueness and value of every single person in the school community.
Collective worship themes have been planned around our Christian values and the church calendar on a biannual cycle, reviewed yearly. Each member of staff has a copy presented to them each half term. A theme is introduced by the Head teacher on a half termly basis and then developed and explored during collective worship over that half term. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are normally whole school collective worship.Wednesday collective worship is class based to allow each class reflective time within that theme.
Collective worship is led by the Head teacher supported by the SLT and our R.E. Co-ordinator. Collective worship is evaluated through the process of teacher observation, pupil feedback and parental feedback. Overviews for our collective worship can be accessed below.
Please click link to see our worship plan for this term