Year 4 Residential to Waddecar

Last week our Year 4 children went on their Adventure Day and Camp.  It was an amazing experience for all the children involved as they focused on key map skills and navigated their way around the Forest of Bowland countryside.

Starting at Waddecar, the children navigated their way to Parlick Fell and Paddy's Pole.  This is the source for the River Brock and they followed the river back to camp. After their trek, they enjoyed a meal and set up camp for the night.  Once the tents were organised, the children had the opportunity to develop team skills through initiative games and then roast marshmallows on a campfire before having a singalong.  

The following day the children carried out their geography field work which was a river study. They conducted various investigations to measure the width, depth and speed of the the River Brock and discovered what life lived in the river. They were also able to determine the pollution levels in that stretch of the river.

Throughout the whole experience, all of the children did themselves proud as they approached everything with a smile and overcame many challenges along the way.

Well done to all the children!