Year 6 visit to Liverpool

On Friday 4th October Year 6 went on a visit to Liverpool City Centre to enhance their learning of World War Two.

Having boarded the train to Liverpool the children’s first port of call was ‘The Western Approaches War II Museum’. Combined Operations, which were responsible for control of the Western Approaches, was moved in 1941 from Plymouth to Derby House, part of Exchange Buildings. Throughout the years of WW2, Liverpool was Britain's main convoy port.

Today, the historical war time bunker has been restored and opened to the public as a memorial to those who died. It is the original building from where the Battle of the Atlantic was fought and won. It has been reconstructed exactly how it used to be. The children saw the underground bunker, the map room, the telecommunication room, with artefacts and lots more.

After lunch the children visited the Maritime Museum to learn about the Battle of Atlantic. Did you know that The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest campaign of the Second World War and was the most crucial? It began on the first day of the war and continued until the last, almost 6 years later. The children enjoyed walking around reading all the fascinating facts and completing tasks.

Year 6 returned to school having had a very enjoyable day!